This project was created by Boonebytes. Please reach out to him if you would like to make a derivative of this code or if you find it useful.
- Never provide the bot's token or database credentials to anyone,
and do not check in those values into the source code.
- If this happens, reset the credentials in Discord and/or change the database password immediately.
- Add functionality for alliances to quietly indicate interest in a
zone without disclosing that interest to other alliances.
- Would this be disclosed to allied/friendly alliances?
- The bot identifies the alliance by the Discord server. This means
that if anyone can run the commands on your server (guests included),
the information presented will be based on your alliance's diplomacy
- If possible, restrict command usage in Server Settings - Integration to members and/or leadership only
- Servers, Roles, and Channels are identified by the bot using Discord's
internal identifiers.
- If a role or channel is deleted and is referenced by the bot (ie. stored as a configuration setting within the bot), then it is deleted in Discord, the bot won't pick up on a new item with the same name. In these instances, please provide the new IDs to the bot.
Server invite settings (from the Discord Developer Portal URL Generator):
- Scopes:
- bot
- applications.commands
- Bot Permissions:
- Change Nickname
- Read Messages / View Channels
- Send Messages
- Read Message History
- Mention Everyone (unless defined explicitly on the channels)
- Sample URL parameters:
- permissions=67308544
- scope=bot%20applications.commands
- Scopes:
Territory Schedule channel:
- Send messages
- Mention everyone / all roles
- Manage messages
- Read message history
Other channels where the commands may be used:
- Send messages
- Read message history
- The /schedule refresh and /schedule today commands are best used
early in the day.
- Running these commands after a defend has started may cause earlier defends to not appear on the "today listing.
- The /admin reload command is resource-intensive and should only be
executed by the bot owner on an as-needed basis.
- The intent behind this command is to load any data changes from the database into the bot's running code. This includes unscheduling and rescheduling all defend and assist reminders.
- This command is executed nightly automatically.
- Do not use /zone set to assign an alliance to a territory unless
that alliance actually owns the territory.
- Running this command on an unclaimed territory may show one's hand, or be overwritten by a competing alliance.
- Running this command on territory owned by someone else will break any scheduling or defend reminders for that alliance.
- This command is limited to admin-use only to ensure its use is fair and not used to negate reminders and force ownership of territory.
The bare minimum requirements to self-host this bot:
- An Oracle database installation with a dedicated (non-admin) user account for the bot.
- A Discord Developer account with a generated Bot token.
- Ideally hosted in the cloud on a Linux server with Docker.
- A .NET Core development environment, Oracle database tool, etc.
Steps to deploy:
- Create a schema to hold the data tables. This should not be the same as the bot's database user account.
- Create a database account to be used by the bot. It should have select/insert/update/delete grants on all the tables identified or referenced in Entity Framework. The Entity Framework database generation script could be used as a reference point.
- Configure a development environment with a connection to an Oracle database. This is required for the Entity Framework commands to work.
- Set the database connection info in BotContextFactory. This should not be checked into the database; it's only required for the Entity Framework commands.
- Run the Entity Framework commands to generate a SQL script to create the latest version of the database. (For upgrades, only use the Entity Framework migration scripts)
- Apply the migration scripts to the data schema.
- Load the database with a list of zones, neighbours, alliance info, diplomacy details, zone ownership, etc.
- Generate a Discord Invite URL for the bot with the required permissions. (TODO: Identify these permissions)
- Invite the bot to the Discord server. Note, this requires the Manage Server permission.
- Enable Discord's Developer Mode.
- Copy the Discord server's ID into the Alliance table's Guild ID.
- If desired, create a channel for the defense schedule. Copy this channel's ID into the relevant field in the Alliance table as well. Then set the time to update the schedule daily.
- In the DiscordBot project, update appsettings.json with the generated bot token, database connection information, etc. Again, never commit the bot token, database credentials, etc. into the source code management solution (ie. git). If this happens, change reset the bot's token in Discord and/or update the database user account in Oracle.
- Run the DiscordBot project. Review the output / log files to ensure it's able to connect. After a brief delay, it should auto-populate each zone's next defend time and each alliance's next schedule-post time.
- Try running some of the commands. Ensure contender data seems correct based on the alliance associated to the Discord server.
Once the bot's token and database have been initialized and tested in a non-production environment, copy
- Remove the database credentials from the BotContextFactory.
- Copy the bot's code to a production server.
- Ensure appsettings.json has the correct bot token and database credentials.
- Run
docker-compose build
. Note: This command must be executed whenever the source code is updated. - Run
docker-compose up -d
to start the bot instance. - Review the docker logs for any issues.
- Started as a way to post a weekly territory defend schedule in LEGN on Server 61 using local timestamps. Nearby threats were manually specified in the database records.
- First versions read data from CSV files that had to be updated by-hand; next generation used the MySQL database engine. This was all eventually migrated to Oracle.
- Eventually added the connections between zones to the database and instructed the bot to identify and list nearby threats.
- Added code to identify diplomatic statuses and groups of territory defenses (ie. TDL)
- Added the bot to the TDL Discord.
- Added defend reminders for the local alliance.
- Later added assist defend reminders for a specific Discord role.
- Added the territory service cost summary command.
- Restructured slash commands to have differing root commands. This gives more flexibility to the Discord server admins around who can execute commands.
- Moved the threats / contenders out of the database record and
populated it dynamically based on the alliance that's asking.
- Example: If A, B, and C are allied and D is not, and if B's
territory border's C, then...
- A asking for B's territory will not list C as a contender.
- D asking for B's territory will list C as a contender.
- Example: If A, B, and C are allied and D is not, and if B's
territory border's C, then...
- Discord Developer APIs
- Optional: Oracle APEX (for a GUI front-end, both for some bot data and for access to data not exposed via the bot commands)
The below are listed for internal reference purposes only. For further information or a copy of the respective licensing terms, please refer to the third-party library's website.
These components are referenced via Nuget packages. As the actual files are not included in this repository, it is understood that they should not be referenced by this project's licensing material.
Component | License |
Discord.NET | The MIT License (MIT) |
Docker | Apache License v2.0 |
MediatR v10 | Apache License v2.0 |
Microsoft C# .NET Core v6 | The MIT License (MIT) |
Microsoft Entity Framework Core v3.1 | The MIT License (MIT) |
Newtonsoft.Json v13 | The MIT License (MIT) |
Oracle Managed Data Access Core | Oracle Free Use |
Oracle Entity Framework Core v3.21 | Oracle Free Use |
Quartz.NET | Apache License v2.0 |
Entity Framework Plus | The MIT License (MIT) |