- qb-weathersync
- yarn
- Create an account on RapidAPI
- Visit the WeatherAPI.com API page
- Click the blue subscribe button in the middle of the page
- Select the free plan
- Copy your
and paste it in the config.json file - Set the zip code you'd like weather to be based on in the config.json file
- In
, setConfig.Disabled
to true
I have not been able to run through all of the different weather types that the api returns to us. If, and when, you run into a weather type that isn't in the config, the script will default to SUNNY so there are no errors.
To add a new weather type, check your console for the log message stating what the weather type we got from the API was. Then go to config.json
and add a new weather type, just like partly cloudy and light rain. ENSURE THE WEATHER TYPE RECEIVED FROM THE API IS TYPED INTO THE CONFIG IN ALL LOWERCASE. Then set that weather type equal to the equivalent given in the qb-weathersync configuration file.
I ask that anyone creates a pull request when they run into new weather types so I can update the repository!