Version : 0.2
october 2013
Twitter Ionize CMS Module is a module that allows for a designer to include tweets and style them as desired, using tags within Ionize and by simply activating a module and the twitter user data needed. Tags for displaying tweets are available. Currently tweets are cached by a time-frame interval defined in module configuration.
- Copy "Twitter" directory inside Ionize's CMS modules directory.
- Go to admin panel inside Ionize and enable the module (modules->administration->Twitter module->Install)
- Click on "Twitter module"
- Add a twitter user (you need to have: account's access token, access token secret, consumer key and consumer secret) you can obtain all the needed data from and creating a new app and consulting your Access token and Access token secret
<ion:twitter:tweets max="4">
<a href="<ion:tweet field="screen_name" />">@<ion:tweet field="screen_name" /></a>
<ion:tweet field="text" />
- ion:twitter:tweets accepts the optional parameter max, it tells how much tweets to load, any number above 20 will just load the last 20 tweets cached.
- ion:twitter:tweets:tweet has the "field" parameter; possible values are:
- screen_name: displays the twitter account name.
- text: displays the tweet's content.
- userurl: if the user has a url in his profile this parameter shows it up.
- id_tweet: displays twitter's internal id.
Now the tweet text create links from hashtags, mentions, urls. Added new field that parse the tweet time to get Twitter style "time ago".
<ion:tweet field="created_at" />
- Twitter module for Ionize CMS written by Boris Aramis Aguilar R..
- The twitter interal OAuth library being used is: PHP TwitterOAuth by Abraham Williams.