It's a pretty simple bash script which I wrote for my daily use. Script can enable, disable, edit, remove or create from template nginx virtual hosts.
Installation is pretty simple: download, make executable and move in any $PATH directory. I prefer /usr/bin.
chmod +x
mv nvshm /usr/bin
You can set SUID bit on script, but I don't recomend do this because I not enough test it.
In most systems script will work out of the box without any configuration. But, if you placed nginx configuration in non-standart directory or/and "available"/"enabled" directories too - you need change those variables:
First of all - see all available options:
user@hostname:~$ nsvhm --help
usage: "nsvhm" [options]
Simple script for managing nginx virtual hosts.
-h, --help Show this help
-r, --restart Restart nginx after host managing
-f, --force Force nginx configuration testing
-v, --vhost Virtual host name
-e, --enable Enable virtual host
-d, --disable Disable virtual host
-l, --list List files in directory. Can be combined with -e or -d options
-c, --create Create virtual host from template
-t, --template Specify template file
-E, --edit Edit host
-R, --remove Remove host
user@hostname:~$ nsvhm --enable
1) /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
2) /etc/nginx/sites-available/
Type a host number to enable or any other key to exit: 6
Virtual host file {} succesful enabled!
Configuration test - [OK]
Restart nginx to apply changes? (y/n): y
Nginx successful restarted.
user@hostname:~$ nsvhm --disable
1) /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
2) /etc/nginx/sites-available/
Type a host number to disable or any other key to exit: 2
{} successful disabled!
Restart nginx to apply changes? (y/n): y
Nginx successful restarted.
Will open virtual host for editing using $EDITOR:
user@hostname:~$ nsvhm --edit
1) /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
2) /etc/nginx/sites-available/
Type a host number to edit or any other key to exit: 2
Restart nginx to apply changes? (y/n): y
Nginx successful restarted.
Template can be specified inside script in VHOST_TEMPLATE variable, or can be specified with --template option:
user@hostname:~$ nsvhm --create
Vhost name not defined. Enter one (Ctrl-C to abort):
Root directory does not exists. Wanna create one? (y/n): y
Directory /var/www/ successful created.
error_log directory does not exists. Wanna create one? (y/n): y
Directory /var/www/ successful created.
Want change owner for newly created root directory? (y/n): y
Successful changed owner
Vhost file successful created
Want enable newly created vhost? (y/n): y
Virtual host file {} succesful enabled!
Configuration test - [OK]
Restart nginx to apply changes? (y/n): y
Nginx successful restarted.
user@hostname:~$ nsvhm --remove
1) /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
2) /etc/nginx/sites-available/
Type a host number to remove or any other key to exit: 4
Are you sure you want remove {}? (y/n): y
Successful deleted {} from enabled vhosts
Successful deleted {} from available vhosts
Remove also vhost root directory? (y/n): y
Successful removed {/var/www/} directory
Restart nginx to apply changes? (y/n): y
Nginx successful restarted.
If you want to avoid asking to specify virtual host name - you can specify it with --vhost option:
user@hostname:~$ nsvhm --disable --vhost
{} successful disabled!
Restart nginx to apply changes? (y/n): y
Nginx successful restarted.
Also, if you want to use this script from another - you can use --batch option. Note that for any questions 'yes' will be chosen as answer, and some options cannot be specified with command line arguments (for example: root, error_log, access log directories will be created if not exists), and it cannot be configured now:
user@hostname:~$ nsvhm --create --vhost --batch
Directory /var/www/ successful created.
Directory /var/www/ successful created.
Successful changed owner
Vhost file successful created
Virtual host file {} succesful enabled!
Configuration test - [OK]
Nginx successful restarted.
As I mentioned above - script should work out of the box in most modern linux distributions. However, I used them only in Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS. In those distributions script worked like a charm. If you encounter problems running this script in some system - open an issue. I will try to do my best to help you.
- Initial version