Homebrew formulae to uplink and other Storj binaries
A digital assistant that writes code and collaborates with humans on git repositories
Ongoing Storj v3 development. Decentralized cloud object storage that is affordable, easy to use, private, and secure.
Company blog, built with Hugo and hosted on Netlify
Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with Electron, Angular.js and Soundcloud API.
The easy-to-use open source Business Intelligence and Embedded Analytics tool that lets everyone work with data 📊
Deprecated. A web-based GUI for Storj Bridge
The communications platform that puts data protection first.
Libre music sequencer for desktop and mobile platforms
GUI Client for Storj Network v1 and v2 written in Python and PyQt4
Deprecated. DNS service for storjshare nodes
Deprecated. Browser library for interacting with Storj.
Deprecated. For development and integration testing of all of the distributed Storj network services.
Deprecated. Modularized crypto for Storj.
A Hassle-Free Way to Self-Host Google Fonts. Get eot, ttf, svg, woff and woff2 files + CSS snippets
A curated list of projects, tools, and resources for Storj
An image hosting application built on storj p2p object storage