This is a simple monitering & alerting tool for those of you who are worried (Paranoid xD ) about the covid-19 propagation in a certain country.
You need to install and config Selenium WebDriver
- Installing Selenium with pip
$ pip install -U selenium
- Selenium requires also a driver to interface with the chosen browser. Firefox, for example, requires geckodriver. Make sure it’s in your PATH, e. g., place it in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.
Choose the corresponding package depending on you system from here, For linux64 you can run this :
$ cd /usr/bin
$ wget
$ tar -xf geckodriver-v0.27.0-linux64.tar.gz
You will need to set up in
- A gmail address in order to be able to send situation update notification emails.
- List of countries you want to monitor
- List of emails users or subscribers to send update notifications too
- Cloud service or a laptop laying arround to run the app on.
The idea is to scrape data from this CoronaVirus website save it in a Log file periodicaly. And at each update intervall , check if the scrapped data for the alert_countires correspond to the data our logs, if not update the logs and send notification emails for the subscribers.
This tool is based on the data from the CoronaVirus website and it may be outdated. The tool may not function proporly if the website changed it's structure because the scraping depend on the content of the webpage.