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Vue script setup snippets


In VSCode search for vue-script-setup-snippets extension and install it. or install directly from VSCode Marketplace


This extension adds snippets for Vue 3 script setup syntax.


Note: $1, $2, etc. are placeholders. Press Tab to jump between placeholders.

Snippet Purpose
ss-file Vue 3 script setup file
ss-file-ts Vue 3 script setup file with typescript
ss-ref const $1 = ref($2)
ss-ref-ts const $1: Ref<$2> = ref($3)
ss-props const $1 = defineProps<$2>()
ss-props-ts const $1 = defineProps<$2>()
ss-emit const $1 = defineEmit<$2>()
ss-emit-ts const $1 = defineEmit<$2>()
ss-context const $1 = defineContext<$2>()
ss-context-ts const $1 = defineContext<$2>()
ss-computed const $1 = computed(() => $2)
ss-computed-ts const $1: Ref<$2> = computed(() => $3)
ss-watch watch($1, ($2) => { $3 })
ss-watch-getter watch(()=>$1, ($2) => { $3 })
ss-ronly const $1 = readonly($2)
ss-ronly-ts const $1: Readonly<Ref<$2>> = readonly($3)
ss-weffect watchEffect(() => { $1 })
ss-wpeffect watchPostEffect(() => { $1 })
ss-wseffect watchSyncEffect(() => { $1 })
ss-prvd const $1 = provide($2, $3)
ss-prvd-ts const $1: InjectionKey<$2> = provide($3, $4)
ss-inject const $1 = inject($2, $3)
ss-inject-ts const $1: Ref<$2> = inject($3, $4)
ss-mnt onMounted(() => { $1 })
ss-upd onUpdated(() => { $1 })
ss-umnt onUnmounted(() => { $1 })
ss-bmnt onBeforeMount(() => { $1 })
ss-bupd onBeforeUpdate(() => { $1 })
ss-bumnt onBeforeUnmount(() => { $1 })
ss-err onErrorCaptured(() => { $1 })
ss-rtrk onRenderTracked(() => { $1 })
ss-rtrg onRenderTriggered(() => { $1 })
ss-act onActivated(() => { $1 })
ss-dact onDeactivated(() => { $1 })
ss-spf onServerPrefetch(() => { $1 })
ss-isref isRef($1)
ss-unref unref($1)
ss-toref toRef($1, $2)
ss-torefs toRefs($1)
ss-isprx isProxy($1)
ss-isrct isReactive($1)
ss-isrdo isReadonly($1)
ss-ssref shallowRef($1)
ss-trref triggerRef($1)
ss-csref customRef(($1) => { return { get: () => $2, set: ($3) => $4 } })
ss-ssrct shallowReactive($1)
ss-ssrdo shallowReadonly($1)
ss-toraw toRaw($1)
ss-mkraw markRaw($1)
ss-efscp effectScope(($1) => { $2 })
ss-curscp getCurrentScope()
ss-ondscp onScopeDispose(() => { $1 })