###Rootfs decrypting
To decrypt rootfs or other components you have to get keys from https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Firmware_Keys.
You have to enter the IPSW filename (ex : iPhone5,4_8.4.1_12H321_Restore.ipsw).
The program will ask you to add the keys grabed from iphonewiki (only one for the rootfs).
Then, the tool will decompress you'll have to add the rootgs name
Next you have specify the name of the file containing rootfs (ex 058-24465-023.dmg).
In the IPSW file, there is three dmg files, that of rootfs is heaviest.
Then the program is going to work automaticaly.
If you want to modify rootfs (ex Setup.app) you can use TransMac for Windows.
You can now create your own Custom fimware (need to work more).
Downgrades are already impossible without SHSHs blobs, on devices that do not have low level exploits.
Is this fonction useless ?
Yes, but it can still be used.
#Other components
To decrypt other firmware components like kernelcache or iBoot, you have to grab the keys from theiphonewiki
The first one to add is the largest, and the second one is the iv key (the smallest)
To build Decrypt0r just cd to the decryptr0r directory and run make
- Work the improve custom firmwares
Thank you to my friend Jam Elrhk Elro (@Elro74) for his Liberati0n script and help for dev.
Developed by Mathieu Hautebas (@matteyeux)
Thank you to Callum Jones for his awesome website ipsw.me and Neal (@iNeal) for his API.
For this tool I used:
- xpwn & dmg compiled from https://github.com/planetbeing/xpwn
- 7zip (developed by Igor Pavlov)
For more informations contact me on Twitter: @matteyeux or ask this awesome website