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Retrieve time series data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics in pandas DataFrames


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Readabs is an open-source python package to download and work with timeseries data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), using pandas DataFrames.


import readabs as ra
from readabs import metacol as mc  # column names for ABS metadata

ABS Functions

  • abs_catalogue() - returns a pandas DataFrame of ABS catalogue numbers. Note: typically, an ABS Catalogue item comprises multiple data tables.
  • read_abs_cat() - returns a tuple containing the complete ABS Catalogue information as a python dictionary of pandas DataFrames (one for each table in the catalogue), as well as the associated metadata in a separate DataFrame.
  • read_abs_series() - get one or more series for a specified catalogue and the specified series identifier(s). Returns a tuple of two DataFrames, one for the primary data and one for the metadata.
  • read_abs_by_desc() - get one or more series, for a specified catalogue number, based on searching for matching data item descriptions. Returns a tuplwe of (1) a dictionary with the series name as the key and the pandas series as the value and (2) a dataframe of meta data
  • search_abs_meta() - searchs the abs meta data for 1 or more rows that match the desired search-terms. Returns the matching rows from the meta data
  • find_abs_id() - search the abs metadata for the unique series that matches the search terms. Returns a tuple of the table name, series_id and units for the series_id that matches the search- terms. Raises an exception if no items, or more than one item in the metadata matches the search terms.

RBA Functions

  • rba_catalogue - returns a pandas DataFrame of RBA catalogue numbers. Note: whereas multiple data tables are associated with an ABS catalogue number, onle a single table is associated with an RBA catalogue number.
  • read_rba_table() - read a table from the RBA website and return the actual data and the meta data in a tuple of two DataFrames.

Utility Functions

  • recalibrate() - returns a pandas Series/DataFrame where the units have been scaled to be less than 1,000. Also adjusts the units label.
  • percent_change()
  • annualise_rates()
  • annualise_percentages()
  • qtly_to_monthly()
  • monthly_to_qtly()

For more information

For complete details, refer to the API usage documents in the ./docs directory.


Retrieve time series data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics in pandas DataFrames







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