#Ohana API
This is the API portion of the Ohana API project, an open source community resource directory developed by Code for America's 2013 San Mateo County fellowship team. The goal of the project is to make it easier for residents in need to find services they are eligible for.
Apart from Google, the current search interface that residents and social workers have access to is the Peninsula Library System's CIP portal. As a demonstration of the kind of applications that can be built on top of the Ohana API, we are developing a better search interface (repo link) that consumes the API via our Ruby wrapper.
We encourage third-party developers to build additional applications on top of the API, such as this SMS-based search interface that Mark Silverberg started developing. You can register your app on our developer portal (branding work in progress), and view the API documentation.
- Ruby version 2.0.0
- Rails version 3.2.13
- MongoDB with the Mongoid ORM
- Redis
- ElasticSearch
- API framework: Grape
- Testing Frameworks: RSpec, Factory Girl, Capybara
Please note that the instructions below have only been tested on OS X. If you are running another operating system and run into any issues, feel free to update this README, or open an issue if you are unable to resolve installation issues.
OS X: Set up a dev environment on OS X with Homebrew, Git, RVM, Ruby, and Rails
Windows: Try RailsInstaller, along with some of these tutorials if you get stuck.
On OS X, the easiest way to install MongoDB (or almost any development tool) is with Homebrew:
brew update
brew install mongodb
Follow the Homebrew instructions for configuring MongoDB and starting it automatically every time you restart your computer. Otherwise, you can launch MongoDB manually in a separate Terminal tab or window with this command:
See the Downloads page on mongodb.org for steps to install on other systems: http://www.mongodb.org/downloads
On OS X, the easiest way to install Redis is with Homebrew:
brew install redis
Follow the Homebrew instructions if you want Redis to start automatically every time you restart your computer. Otherwise launch Redis manually in a separate Terminal tab or window:
See the Download page on Redis.io for steps to install on other systems: http://redis.io/download
On OS X, the easiest way to install ElasticSearch is with Homebrew:
brew install elasticsearch
Follow the Homebrew instructions to launch ElasticSearch.
Visit the Download page on elasticsearch.org for steps to install on other systems: http://www.elasticsearch.org/download/
git clone git://github.com/codeforamerica/ohana-api.git
cd ohana-api
If you get a permission denied
message, set the correct permissions, then run the above script again:
chmod -R 755 script
Generate the ElasticSearch index that the tire gem uses for full text search:
rake environment tire:import CLASS=Organization FORCE=true
Start the app locally using Unicorn:
To see all organizations, 30 per page:
To go the next page (the page parameter works for all API responses):
Search for organizations by keyword and/or location:
http://localhost:8080/api/search?keyword=food&location=san mateo
http://localhost:8080/api/search?location=redwood city, ca
Search for organizations by languages spoken at the location:
The language parameter can be used alone:
Searches with the location parameter return results sorted by distance. Searches with the keyword parameter return results sorted by relevance based on a match between the search term and the organization's keywords
We recommend these tools to interact with APIs:
JSONView Chrome extension
HTTPie command line utility
Production: http://ohanapi.herokuapp.com/api/docs
Local: http://localhost:8080/api/docs
Here are some sample requests to get you started:
To see all locations, 30 per page:
To go the next page (the page parameter works for all API responses):
Search using one or any combination of these parameters: keyword
, location
, and language
. The search
endpoint always returns locations. When searching by keyword
, the API returns locations where the search term matches one or more of the location's name, the location's description, the location's parent organization's name, or the location's services categories. Results that match the services categories appear higher.
The search results include the location's parent organization info, as well as services, so you can have all the info in one query instead of three.
http://ohanapi.herokuapp.com/api/search?keyword=food&location=san mateo
http://ohanapi.herokuapp.com/api/search?location=redwood city, ca
Search for organizations by languages spoken at the location:
The language parameter can be used alone:
Searches with the location parameter return results sorted by distance.
The app allows developers to sign up for an account via the home page (http://localhost:8080), but all email addresses need to be verified first. In development, the app sends email via Gmail. If you want to try this email process on your local machine, you need to configure your Gmail username and password by creating a file called application.yml
in the config folder, and entering your info like so:
GMAIL_USERNAME: [email protected]
GMAIL_PASSWORD: your_password
is ignored in .gitignore
, so you don't have to worry about exposing your credentials if you ever push code to GitHub. If you don't care about email interactions, but still want to try out the signed in experience, you can sign in with either of the users whose username and password are stored in db/seeds.rb.
To try out the admin interface, go to /admin and sign in with the username and password listed in db/seeds.rb.
Run tests locally with this simple command:
For faster tests:
gem install zeus
zeus start #in a separate Terminal window or tab
zeus rspec spec
To see the actual tests, browse through the spec directory.
If you ever want to start from scratch, run script/drop
, then script/bootstrap
to set everything up again.
In the spirit of open source software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project.
Here are some ways you can contribute:
- by using alpha, beta, and prerelease versions
- by reporting bugs
- by suggesting new features
- by suggesting labels for our issues
- by writing or editing documentation
- by writing specifications
- by writing code (no patch is too small: fix typos, add comments, clean up inconsistent whitespace)
- by refactoring code
- by closing issues
- by reviewing patches
- financially
We use the GitHub issue tracker to track bugs and features. Before submitting a bug report or feature request, check to make sure it hasn't already been submitted. When submitting a bug report, please include a Gist that includes a stack trace and any details that may be necessary to reproduce the bug, including your gem version, Ruby version, and operating system. Ideally, a bug report should include a pull request with failing specs.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a topic branch.
- Add specs for your unimplemented feature or bug fix.
- Run
. If your specs pass, return to step 3. In the spirit of Test-Driven Development, you want to write a failing test first, then implement the feature or bug fix to make the test pass. - Implement your feature or bug fix.
- Run
. If your specs fail, return to step 5. - Run
metric_fu -r
. This will go through all the files in the app and analyze the code quality and check for things like trailing whitespaces and hard tabs. When it's done, it will open a page in your browser with the results. Click onCane
andRails Best Practices
to check for files containing trailing whitespaces and hard tabs. If you use Sublime Text 2, you can use the TrailingSpaces plugin to highlight the trailing whitespaces and delete them. If the report complains about "hard tabs" in a file, change your indentation tospaces
by clicking onTabs: 2
at the bottom of your Sublime Text 2 window, then selectingConvert Indentation to Spaces
. As for the code itself, we try to follow GitHub's Ruby styleguide. - Add, commit, and push your changes.
- Submit a pull request.
Copyright (c) 2013 Code for America. See LICENSE for details.