Display a message on on your website for users to consent to your website using cookies. See http://ec.europa.eu/ipg/basics/legal/cookies/index_en.htm for details on why you may want to do this.
Install manually or via Bower: bower install eu-cookie-alert
Load the script alongside any other javascript libraries you may be using, and trigger the alert with the following:
Alternatively use the syntax:
bodyClass: 'eu-cookie-alert',
buttonClass: 'eu-cookie-button',
cookieKey: 'eucookiealert',
cookieValue: 1,
alertId: 'eucookiealert',
alertMessage: 'This website uses cookies. Please read our privacy policy for more information.',
agreeMessage: 'I understand'
To amend the alert to your own preference
Script is licensed under MIT license.