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Tags: bradsk88/Questown



Toggle v1.19.2-0.0.7-alpha.6's commit message
Productivity: Bug Fixes from Server Testing

- Added item weights for several room recipes
- Fixed game-breaking crash when chests are destroyed
- Cleaned up logging from tick sampling and UnsafeTown


Toggle v1.18.2-0.0.7-alpha.6's commit message
Productivity: Bug Fixes from Server Testing

- Added item weights for several room recipes
- Fixed game-breaking crash when chests are destroyed
- Cleaned up logging from tick sampling and UnsafeTown


Toggle v1.19.2-0.0.7-alpha.5's commit message
The "Productivity" Update

More improvements to prevent stuck crafters
Tweaked basic crafter jobs to be faster


Toggle v1.18.2-0.0.7-alpha.5's commit message
The "Productivity" Update

More improvements to prevent stuck crafters
Tweaked basic crafter jobs to be faster


Toggle v1.19.2-0.0.7-alpha.4's commit message
The "Productivity" Update

Finished porting


Toggle v1.18.2-0.0.7-alpha.4's commit message
The "Productivity" Update

Updated code to make back/forward-porting easier


Toggle v1.18.2-0.0.7-alpha.1's commit message
Economics Data

- Better handling of multi-ingredient jobs.
  - Will show second ingredient in economics UI

TODO (Economics):
- Add journal entry

Job Testing:
-[x] Gatherer
-[x] Soup Cook
-[x] Farmer
-[x] Baker
-[ ] Blacksmith

TODO (Other):
- Add "weed field" job to get seeds
- Make it possible to add job requests by job, instead of just by item.
- Make it easier to understand when a villager needs a jobsite
- Better handling of "no requests"
- Prevent gatherers from returning with one food item and then
  immediately leaving with it. (They should deposit it and grab
  different food?


Toggle v1.18.2-0.0.8-alpha.1's commit message
More skins


Toggle v1.18.2-0.0.6-alpha.6's commit message
Tweaked farm-leaving pathfinding

Updating `getBlockPathType` seems to have been key here. Seems to fix it
for all villager jobs and meta-jobs.

Also: Added `/qtspawn` command to spawn villagers (and removed apple

Also: Farmers no longer try to walk down into ground.


Toggle v1.19.2-0.0.6-alpha.6's commit message
Declaring homepage and update URL

- New job "idler"
  - Choose random room and block
  - "Work" at block for random amount of time
  - Preference for "recreational" rooms/blocks
    - E.g. dining room