An on-demand videos client for searching, browsing, managing videos from your favorite on-demand video platforms.
This application is currently under development, changes on application behavior is expected without notice nor migration guide.
- Search videos from your favorite platform (YouTube, Peertube, etc) 🔎
- Video playlist (history, saved, etc) 🗃️
- Plain text database for easy scripting 📃
- Modal navigation for keyboard user 🇭 🇯 🇰 🇱
- Middle click autoscrolling, just like web browsers 🖱️
- YouTube (via YouTube Data API)
Read the guide here. Once you obtain the API key, go to Settings > YouTube API Settings > API key
and add the API key.
This API key will be good daily personal usage. For detailed breakdown on how YouTube Data API quota is calculated, read YouTube Data API (v3) - Quota Calculator. You can adjust how the app consume this quota in Settings > YouTube API Settings
by disabling/limiting few features.
Example below shows a guide to play video from Chromium web browser:
Go to Setting > Video play command
, edit the command to:
chromium $url
You can also add extra command to run after the other command by pressing Add more
button. For example you can add notification:
chromium $url
notify-send Playing video $title\n$description
Available variable to use includes:
Name | Description | Example |
url |
- | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWNQUvIk954 |
title |
- | Rick Astley - Never Gonna Stop (Official Video) |
description |
- | Never Gonna Stop (Official Video) Listen here: https://rickastley.lnk.to/NeverGonnaStopID The new album 'Are We There Yet? |
type |
Object type (possible value: video , channel , playlist ) |
video |
preview |
Large size image | https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qWNQUvIk954/hqdefault.jpg |
thumbnail |
Medium size image | https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qWNQUvIk954/mqdefault.jpg |
icon |
Small size image | https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qWNQUvIk954/default.jpg |
Key | Function |
h , j , k , l |
Move right, down, up, left |
p |
Play video |
o |
Listen video |
ctrl k / ctrl l / F2 |
Focus on search bar |
? |
#21 |
Configuring Yatta from a text editor #20
Looking for editing your Yatta configuration from a text editor? We got you covered.
Yatta uses YAML for the configuration file. Which is compatible with JSON, meaning you can use JSON if you prefer it over YAML.
Configuration file will be read based on this prority list:
A user configuration file should be created if you changed the application configuration within the application.
If you need to make a new user configuration file, simply create a new file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME)/yatta/config.yaml
Install and configure yaml-languague-server
for your editor.
Add this line to the top of your configuration file:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://gist.githubusercontent.com/brainwo/7eeddb3b5ae171ed1c86c28df1ff6c01/raw/schema.json
This program is written using Flutter. For installation guide, please refer to official Flutter's setup guide. No additional build dependencies required beside the dependencies required by Flutter.
If you have a problem when building, check pubspec.lock
file to find compatible Flutter SDK version to use, for example the snippet below indicating Flutter SDK version 3.19.X
dart: ">=3.3.0 <4.0.0"
flutter: ">=3.19.0"
This project uses conventional commit. git-cc
plugin is recommended.