This is a simple app that makes ChatGPT live in your menubar.
You can use Cmd+Shift+G (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+G (Win) to quickly open it from anywhere.
No Windows binaries currently offered. Clone the repo, npm install electron-forge and run.
Quite Start Script
To setup without the script do the following
To get the correct node version I recommend using asdf. It is the simplest tool that lets you hook in all sort of programming languages.
asdf install
export NODE_ENV=development
It helps out to set the NODE_ENV=development. You don't have to it will also be pulled from the .env file.
Boot the app with NPM Start
npm start
It will build package and push them to the github repo. This step won't push unless you have the ability to create release on the github repo.
export GH_TOKEN=github-token
npm run dist
If you don't want to distribute the packages you can simply run npm run pack
. Out side of that your done. Best of luck and have fun.