The experimental data and resource of Defect Prediction in Android Binary Executables using Deep Neural Network
Our sampels for defect prediction, including APK and source code file of 5 versions for 15 Android projects respectively. You can get it at
Our source code file of feature & label generator, which is in Analyse. And DNN is our source code for Deep Neaural Network.
- If you want to run them, please confirm your TensorFlow enviroment has already been set up.
This folder contains part of the experimental results and there are all excel file.
- dataset: All numerical information of defect prediction samples;
- DNNconf: Results of differnt configuration of our DNN;
- WP: Results of performance of different classifiers with within-project;
- CP: Results of performance of different classifiers with cross-project;
- TIME: The time and space consumption of traing and testing procedure of different classifiers.