chat-gpt-api Public
Forked from ayaka14732/ChatGPTAPIFreeJavaScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMar 27, 2023 -
disaster-tweets Public
Natural language processing for tweets about disasters for the Machine Learning course at UFMG
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 23, 2022 -
tic-tac-toe-boosting Public
Implementation of the Adaboost algorithm in tic-tac-toe games for the Machine Learning course at UFMG
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 23, 2022 -
exoplanets-classification Public
Exoplanet classification problem for the Machine Learning course at UFMG
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 23, 2022 -
movielens-data-science Public
Data science project on a MovieLens dataset to apply all techniques learned on the Data Science course at UFMG.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 12, 2022 -
dog-api Public
Simple web application that shows dogs images for learning the basics of front-end, React and Axios API
JavaScript UpdatedMar 8, 2022 -
intro-data-science Public
Exercises lists from the Introduction to Data Science course of UFMG.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 7, 2022 -
to-do-list Public
Simple to-do list web application for learning the basics of front-end and React
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 25, 2022 -
vertex-cover-problem Public
Terceiro trabalho prático da disciplina de Algoritmos I que visa identificar a menor cobertura de vértices em um grafo não-direcionado e sem ciclos e uma aproximação para um grafo não-direcionado c…
C++ UpdatedFeb 24, 2022 -
minimum-edges-scc-graph Public
Segundo trabalho prático da disciplina de Algoritmos I que visa identificar o menor número de vértices necessários para tornar um grafo, o qual representa uma malha aérea, em um grafo fortemente co…
C++ UpdatedFeb 24, 2022 -
stable-matching Public
Primeiro trabalho prático da discipina de Algoritmos I cujo objetivo é realizar o casamento estável entre postos de saúde e pessoas de uma comunidade durante uma campanha de vacinação.
C++ UpdatedFeb 23, 2022 -
hybrid-recommender Public
Hybrid product recommender for the recommender system course at UFMG
Python UpdatedFeb 23, 2022 -
funk-svd-recommender Public
Collaborative product recommender for the recommender system course at UFMG
Python UpdatedFeb 11, 2022 -
PT-2022.1-Express Public
Forked from UFMGInformaticaJr/PT-2022.1-ExpressJavaScript UpdatedFeb 10, 2022 -
teste-de-software-aulas-praticas Public
Forked from andrehora/teste-de-software-aulas-praticasUpdatedJan 24, 2022 -
sales-platform Public
Forked from Yowgf/sales-platformPlatform for a sales team to manage client cases.
Python UpdatedDec 13, 2021 -
2020-2-exercicio-revisao-refatoracao Public
Forked from pds2-dcc-ufmg/2020-2-exercicio-revisao-refatoracaoC++ UpdatedNov 9, 2021 -
partitions Public
Trabalho prático da disciplina de Matemática Discreta cujo objetivo é encontrar todas as partições de um número inteiro positivo.
C UpdatedJul 24, 2021 -
SecLists Public
Forked from danielmiessler/SecListsSecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, se…
PHP MIT License UpdatedNov 25, 2019 -
image-segmentation Public
Image segmentation algorithm from .pgm to .ppm
C MIT License UpdatedMay 19, 2018