Here we're modeling Cryptol, a domain-specific language for cryptographic protocols developed by Galois, Inc.
module Data.Cryptol
Since we'll need to operate on vectors, we import the Vect
data type.
import Data.Vect
provides splitAt
splitAt : (n : Nat) -> (xs : Vect (n + m) a) -> (Vect n a, Vect m a)
... and partition
partition : (a -> Bool) -> Vect n a -> ((p ** Vect p a), (q ** Vect q a))
... but, not split
, so we define it here.
split : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> Vect (m * n) a -> Vect m (Vect n a)
split n Z [] = []
split n (S k) xs = take n xs :: split n k (drop n xs)
The TakeView
provides a way to pattern match on taking m
elements from a vector with m + n
elements, leaving a vector with n
elements remaining.
It's entirely similar to splitAt
and could probably be deprecated in favor of it.
public export
data TakeView : (a : Type) -> (m, n : Nat) -> Vect (m + n) a -> Type where
Take : (xs : Vect m a) -> (ys : Vect n a) -> TakeView a m n (xs ++ ys)
The covering function takeView
takes an m
and a vector with m + n
elements and returns the appropriate TakeView
, which can then be used for pattern matching.
N.B. As of now, this definition is not recursive and thus not the most efficient.
takeView : (m : Nat) -> (ys : Vect (m + n) a) -> TakeView a m n ys
takeView Z ys = Take [] ys
takeView (S k) (y :: ys') with (takeView k ys')
takeView (S k) (y :: (ys ++ zs)) | (Take ys zs) = Take (y :: ys) zs
Currently, my version of Idris is having trouble with the following, so we'll exclude it for now.
For whatever reason, this failed to type check for me on 0.12.2
but works fine on 0.12.2-git:16b0fe8
. 😕
public export
data SplitView : (m : Nat) -> Vect (m * n) a -> Type where
Split : (xss : Vect m (Vect n a)) -> SplitView m (concat xss)
TODO: Describe Bit
s and Word
public export
data Bit : Type where
O : Bit
I : Bit
||| A binary word is a vector of bits.
public export
Word : (n : Nat) -> Type
Word n = Vect n Bit