This is a RainMeter skin which queries the Piwik Reporting API and parses returned XML and displays that information within the skin for the configured Piwik site.
Thanks to poiru whose theme/skins I based this new skin off of.
Gather the necessary data for the Piwik API (Piwik URL, Piwik Site ID, Piwik authentication token)
Download and install Rainmeter
Download and install my Rainmeter Piwik Skin from DeviantArt, GitHub or from my blog
Locate the downloaded file (Piwik_1.0.0.rmskin), double-click it and click Install.
Right-click the Rainmeter icon in the system tray, or right-click an existing skin on your desktop and navigate to Rainmeter>Manage
Click Edit and modify the following found under [Variables] to match your own Piwik information from Step 1
SiteURL="Demo.Piwik.Org" PiwikURL="" PiwikSiteID=7 PiwikAuthToken="anonymous"
Expand the Piwik folder and sub folder, select Piwik.ini and click Load