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Tags: briancroom/Nimble



Toggle v3.1.1's commit message
Move test files and make adjustments to work with "swift test"

* Test files now live under the Tests/Nimble/ directory
* swiftpm now works on OS X also
* Adjust conditional compilation a little to make tests pass under the ObjC
  runtime but without NMBExceptionCapture available


Toggle v3.1.0's commit message
Use NSString's format method explicitly


Toggle v3.0.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Nimble v3.0.0


This release supports Xcode 7.1 with better tvOS support.


- tvOS is a separate build target from iOS.
- updated import headers to be relative from module-based for Xcode 7.1
- revert waitUntil variadic completion function to avoid ambiguities for some edge cases
- fix haveCount matcher's expected and actual values reversed in expectation message


Toggle v2.0.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Nimble v2.0.0


This release is compatible with Xcode 7.0 (Swift 2.0). If you're looking for
the `swift-2.0` branch, it is now the `master` branch.

Breaking Changes from RCs

There's one breaking changes besides the upgrade to Swift 2.0 if you haven't be
using the release candidates.

Weak Linking to XCTest

**Nimble is now weakly linked to XCTest**. If you're not explicitly linking to
XCTest (either via import or explicitly linking frameworks), you must now do so
or else XCTest may not be automatically linked into your project. The default
behavior of test bundles **will link** XCTest correctly.

The README documents using Nimble without XCTest, if you choose to integrate
Nimble to your own test runner or framework.

Changes from RCs

- Added tvOS support
- Added `haveCount` matcher which is a convenience to check for length.
- Added `NSMapTable` support for `beEmpty`. `haveCount` also supports
- Fix warning of missing reference to `$SDKROOT/Developer/Library/Frameworks`
- waitUntil's done argument now accepts variadic arguments to allow passing
  directly to completion blocks that requires other arguments.

Past Release Candidate Changes

For convenience, here's the list of changes between the release candidates to
1.x.x versions.

Backwards Incompatible Changes

- Backwards incompatible changes for Swift 2.0
- swift: Expectations now properly handle the new Swift error handling syntax.
  This means expectations implicitly allow throws and will fail with a useful
  error message if a closure throws one:

    expect { try throwAnError() }.to(equal(1)) // Failed - Expected to equal 1, got an unexpected error thrown: ...

- objc: expectAction() is now a macro that requires an Objective-C block instead of building an implicit block:

        expectAction([obj raiseException]).to(raiseException(...));
        expectAction(^{ [obj raiseException]; }).to(raiseException(...));


- beEmpty() matcher is now defined specifically for String
- `beCloseTo` now works with `NSDate` without having to convert it
- Cocoapod users can now run Nimble in devices
- objc: Added fail() and failWithMessage() functions
- You can now specify custom error messages for expectations. This is useful
  for large integration tests, where an expectation is usually a sanity check to
  a larger operation:

    expect(1).to(equal(2), description: "Just checking equality!") // failed - Just checking equality!

- swift: Fixed ≈ precedence
- swift: beAKindOf() and beAnInstanceOf() emits useful errors when trying to
  compare against Swift Types. This is not allowed in Nimble because the Swift
  compiler already enforces this.
- swift: Added throwError() matcher for verifying the behavior of closures that throw an error:

    expect { try somethingDangerous() }.to(throwAnError())

- objc: NMBObjCMatcher initializers are now public
- objc: contain() matcher now accepts variadic arguments. Each value passed to contain() is expected to be in the container:

    expect(@[@1, @2, @3]).to(contain(@1, @2)); // passes


Toggle v2.0.0-rc.3's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Nimble v2.0.0 Release Candidate 3


This release is compatible with Xcode beta 6 (Swift 2.0).

Note to carthage Users: You must explicitly give this version for Carthage to install.

github "Quick/Nimble" "v2.0.0-rc.3"


- Updated for Xcode 7 beta 6
- `beCloseTo` now works with `NSDate` without having to convert it
- Cocoapod users can now run Nimble in devices
- objc: Added fail() and failWithMessage() functions


Toggle v2.0.0-rc.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Nimble 2.0.0 Release Candidate 2


This release is compatible with Xcode 7 beta 4 (Swift 2.0).

Note to Carthage Users: You must explicitly give this version for Carthage to install.

    github "Quick/Nimble" "v2.0.0-rc.2"

Backwards Incompatible Changes

- swift: Expectations now properly handle the new Swift error handling syntax.
  This means expectations implicitly allow throws and will fail with a useful
  error message if a closure throws one:

    expect { try throwAnError() }.to(equal(1)) // Failed - Expected to equal 1, got an unexpected error thrown: ...

- objc: expectAction() is now a macro that requires an Objective-C block instead of building an implicit block:

        expectAction([obj raiseException]).to(raiseException(...));
        expectAction(^{ [obj raiseException]; }).to(raiseException(...));


- You can now specify custom error messages for expectations. This is useful
  for large integration tests, where an expectation is usually a sanity check to
  a larger operation:

    expect(1).to(equal(2), description: "Just checking equality!") // failed - Just checking equality!

- swift: Fixed ≈ precedence
- swift: beAKindOf() and beAnInstanceOf() emits useful errors when trying to
  compare against Swift Types. This is not allowed in Nimble because the Swift
  compiler already enforces this.
- swift: Added throwAnError() matcher for verifying the behavior of closures that throw an error:

    expect { try somethingDangerous() }.to(throwAnError())

- objc: NMBObjCMatcher initializers are now public
- objc: contain() matcher now accepts variadic arguments. Each value passed to contain() is expected to be in the container:

    expect(@[@1, @2, @3]).to(contain(@1, @2)); // passes


Toggle v1.0.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Nimble 1.0.0


Final version release! From now on, Nimble will follow semantic versioning rules.

**Remember** that version 1.0.0 of Nimble tracks with the stable Swift (1.2) / Xcode (6).
If you're using Swift 2.0 / Xcode 7, please use 2.0.0-rc.1 instead.

Diff from Release Candidate 1 to Final


- beAKindOf and beAnInstanceOf raise errors when used with swift native types instead of producing obscure compiler errors.
- Publicize NMBObjCMatcher constructors
- Updated README to use `@import Nimble;` instead of `#import <Nimble/Nimble.h>` for Objective-C.

Diff in Release Candidate 1


- FailureMessage.stringValue is now a property. It can be assigned to override other values.
- beTruthy() and beFalsy() matchers now work for nil types and Swift
- raiseException() no longer accepts matchers. Use the closure form instead.
- AssertionHandler protocol recieves FailureMessage instead of a String.
- Expectation.verify() now uses FailureMessage instead of String.
- Renamed NMB_wait* builder functions to be more consistent with rest of Nimble.
- fail() with no args passes through line number and file information
- NMBObjCMatcher closure no long accepts source location directly. Use actualExpression.location instead.
- FullMatcherFunc no longer negates doesNotMatch() when invoking its given closure.


- NMBWait class is now private.
- Removed BasicMatcherWrapper
- Removed NonNilBasicMatcherWrapper
- Removed NonNilMatcherWrapper, use NonNilMatcherFunc for the same behavior.
- Removed FullMatcherWrapper


Toggle v2.0.0-rc.1's commit message
Release Candidate for 2.0.0.


- Backwards incompatible changes for Swift 2.0.
- beEmpty() matcher is now defined specifically for String--in Swift 1.2 a
  definition for NSString was sufficient.


Toggle v1.0.0-rc.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Release Candidate for 1.0.0.


- FailureMessage.stringValue is now a property. It can be assigned to override other values.
- beTruthy() and beFalsy() matchers now work for nil types and Swift
- raiseException() no longer accepts matchers. Use the closure form instead.
- AssertionHandler protocol recieves FailureMessage instead of a String.
- Expectation.verify() now uses FailureMessage instead of String.
- Renamed NMB_wait* builder functions to be more consistent with rest of Nimble.
- fail() with no args passes through line number and file information
- NMBObjCMatcher closure no long accepts source location directly. Use actualExpression.location instead.
- FullMatcherFunc no longer negates doesNotMatch() when invoking its given closure.


- NMBWait class is now private.
- Removed BasicMatcherWrapper
- Removed NonNilBasicMatcherWrapper
- Removed NonNilMatcherWrapper, use NonNilMatcherFunc for the same behavior.
- Removed FullMatcherWrapper


Toggle v0.4.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui


- Set minimum iOS deployment target to 7.