Vaultini is a minimal Vault cluster Terraformed onto Docker containers.
You can use Vaultini for development and testing, but you shouldn't use it for production use cases.
Vaultini builds and runs a minimally configured 5-node Vault cluster on the official Vault Docker image with Integrated Storage on Docker.
A Makefile
, Terraform CLI, and the Terraform Docker Provider power the project, and bootstraps the cluster.
Vaultini can quickly establish a containerized Vault cluster useful for development, education, and testing. The cluster is fully initialized, joined, and unsealed; once provisioned, you can immediately start using it.
You can make your own Vaultini with Docker, Terraform, and the Terraform Docker provider.
To make a Vaultini, you need the following:
Linux or macOS
Docker (tested with Docker Desktop version 4.31.0 on macOS version 14.5)
BSD make or gnumake
Terraform CLI binary installed in your system PATH (tested with version 1.6.3 darwin_arm64)
Vault You can use the Vault CLI as client to Vaultini instead of
docker exec vault ...
NOTE: Vaultini works with Linux (tested on Ubuntu 22.04) and macOS with Intel or Apple silicon processors.
Follow these steps to make your own Vaultini.
Clone this repository.
cd vaultini
Add the Vaultini Certificate Authority to your OS trust store:
For macOS
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustAsRoot \ -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain \ ./containers/vaultini1/certs/vaultini-ca.pem
- The
command prompts for your user password and sometimes prompts twice; enter your user password to add the certificate.
- The
For Linux
Alpine Linux
Update the package cache and install the
package.sudo apk update && sudo apk add ca-certificates
From within this repository directory, copy the Vaultini CA certificate to the
directory.sudo cp ./containers/vaultini1/certs/vaultini-ca.pem \ /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/vaultini-ca.crt
Update the certificates database.
sudo sudo update-ca-certificates
Debian & Ubuntu
Install the
package.sudo apt install -y ca-certificates
Copy the Vaultini CA certificate to
.sudo cp containers/vaultini1/certs/vaultini-ca.pem \ /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/vaultini-ca.crt
Update certificates.
sudo update-ca-certificates
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
From within this repository directory, copy the Vaultini CA certificate to the
directory.sudo cp ./containers/vaultini1/certs/vaultini-ca.pem \ /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/vaultini-ca.crt
Update CA trust.
sudo update-ca-trust
From within this repository directory, copy the Vaultini CA certificate to the
directory.sudo cp ./containers/vaultini1/certs/vaultini-ca.pem \ /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/vaultini-ca.crt
Update certificates.
sudo update-ca-certificates
and press[return]
; successful output resembles this example, and includes the initial root token value for the sake of convenience and ease of use:[vaultini] Initializing Terraform workspace ...Done. [vaultini] Applying Terraform configuration ...Done. [vaultini] Checking Vault active node status ...Done. [vaultini] Checking Vault initialization status ...Done. [vaultini] Unsealing cluster nodes .....vaultini2. vaultini3. vaultini4. vaultini5. Done. [vaultini] Enable audit device ...Done. [vaultini] Export VAULT_ADDR for the active node: export VAULT_ADDR= [vaultini] Login to Vault with initial root token: vault login hvs.E5DA1IvLTq9y1q8p1Oc0ff33
Follow the instructions to set an appropriate
environment variable, and login to Vault with the initial root token value.
To clean up Docker containers and all generated artifacts, including audit device log files:
make clean
To clean up everything including Terraform runtime configuration and state:
make cleanest
To remove the CA certificate from your OS trust store:
For macOS:
sudo security delete-certificate -c "vaultini Intermediate Authority"
- The
command prompts for your user password; enter your user password to add the certificate.
- The
For Linux:
- Follow the documentation for your specific Linux distribution to remove the certificate.
The following notes describe the container structure Vaultini uses, provide some tips on common features.
The configuration, data, and audit device log files live in a subdirectory under containers
named for the server. For example, the first server, vaultini1 has a directory and file structure like the following when active.
tree containers/vaultini1
Example output:
├── certs
│ ├── server-cert.pem
│ ├── server-key.pem
│ ├── vaultini-ca-chain.pem
│ └── vaultini-ca.pem
├── config
│ └── server.hcl
├── data
│ ├── raft
│ │ ├── raft.db
│ │ └── snapshots
│ └── vault.db
└── logs
└── vault_audit.log
6 directories, 8 files
Vaultini tries to keep current and offer the latest available Vault Docker image version, but you can also run a specific version of Vault with the TF_VAR_vault_version
environment variable.
TF_VAR_vault_version=1.11.0 make
Tip: Use Vault versions >= 1.11.0 for ideal Integrated Storage support.
Vaultini runs the Vault Community Edition by default, but you can also run the Enterprise edition.
NOTE: You must have an Enterprise license to run the Vault Enterprise image.
Export the TF_VAR_vault_license
environment variable with your Vault Enterprise license string as the value. For example:
export TF_VAR_vault_license=02E2VCBORGUIRSVJVCECNSNI...
Export the TF_VAR_vault_edition
environment variable to specify vault-enterprise
as the value.
export TF_VAR_vault_edition=vault-enterprise
Make Vaultini
The default Vault server log level is Info, but you can specify another log level like Debug
, with the TF_VAR_vault_log_level
environment variable like this:
TF_VAR_vault_log_level=Debug make
A great resource for learning more about Vault is the HashiCorp Developer site, which has a nice Vault tutorial library available.
If you are new to Vault, check out the Get Started series:
The tutorial library also has a wide range of intermediate and advanced tutorials with integrated hands on labs for you to explore.