Iperf is a network performance measurement and tuning tool, in this prototype we embded this tool in a docker container to be shiped into IoX devices, this will enable insights on the network for customers acorss difrent IoT networks.
In this prototype we built a python flask app with API access to Iperf tool it will be used to monitor network link from the IoX device container to a central Iperf server.
Follow instructions here
$ sudo apt-get install docker-engine -y
$ git clone https://github.com/gve-sw/IoX_Iperf_App.git
ioxclient is a API tool devloped by CISCO to help you deploy your containers to IOX devices,To install ioxclient, you can find it at this link.
You need the have the Iperf tool locally to test conecticity incase if your lab dosent have access to internet, the default Iperf server for testing for our app is 'bouygues.iperf.fr', To install Iperf tool, you can find it at this link.
You can deploy this prototype using IoX DevNet sanbox IoX Lab, reserve your lab and follow instructions on email to access the sandbox The rest of this documenttation will assume using the DevNet Sandbox, you can use your own hardware you can find more details on how to setup your lab here
You need the ioxclient to package and deploy the IOx Application. To get started, connect to your IoX host
$ ioxclient profiles reset
This command resets any previously set profiles and allows you to start fresh with the ioxclient profile wizard. With no profiles by default, the first time you run ioxclient it will create a configuration file in your home directory and you will be asked questions about the connection Profile you want to establish (IoX host Ip address, ports ...) if you are using the DevNet sanbox follow the stepes in this link to connect yto your IoX host if you are using your own lab with your IR800 divce you can check the simple configuration file running_config Run Platform Info to check if your IoX host conectivity is succeful.
$ ioxclient platform info
If you receive JSON platform information your connection is succeful.
Lunch Iperf server locally on your machine
$ iperf -s
Server listening on 5201
- Build image : Build the iox package from the downloded folder
app/ $ docker build -t gve_devnet/iox_iperf_app .
Make sure your image has been built
$ docker images
gve_devnet/iox_iperf_app latest 8c091382f51e 3 hours ago 71MB
alpine 3.7 6d1ef012b567 9 months ago 4.21MB
- Package for IoX: Creat a package.tar file
IoX_Iperf_App/ $ ioxclient docker package gve_devnet/iox_iperf_app:latest .
Deploy the app to IoX
IoX_Iperf_App/ $ ioxclient application install iox_iperf_app package.tar
Currently active profile : default
Command Name: application-install
Saving current configuration
Installation Successful. App is available at :
Successfully deployed
Verify the Application state
IoX_Iperf_App/ $ ioxclient application list
Currently using profile : TEST
Command Name: application-list
List of installed apps :
1\. iox_iperf_app ---> DEPLOYED
- Activate and run:server To activate the IOx application, run the following command
IoX_Iperf_App/ $ ioxclient application activate --payload activation.json iox_iperf_app
To start your application run the start command
IoX_Iperf_App/ $ ioxclient application start
- Check server is runing
To check if the application is runing on the IoX device access the server address
- Use postman to test:
You can import the postman collection and envirenement files to start testing using postman:
Configure the IoX app to use your local Iperf server using the API endpoint POST /config, then run the Iperf GET reqest to test the link from the IoX host to your Iperf Server
To learn more about deploying IoX applications you can access DevNet labs for free here