Gonum is a set of numeric libraries for the Go programming language. It contains libraries for matrices, statistics, optimization, and more
Redpanda is a streaming data platform for developers. Kafka API compatible. 10x faster. No ZooKeeper. No JVM!
Go bindings for LPSolve, a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver
【超全golang面试题合集+golang学习指南+golang知识图谱+入门成长路线】 一份涵盖大部分golang程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。常用第三方库(mysql,mq,es,redis等)+机器学习库+算法库+游戏库+开源框架+自然语言处理nlp库+网络库+视频库+微服务框架+视频教程+音频音乐库+图形图片库+物联网库+地理位置信息+嵌入式脚本库+编译器库+数据库+金融库+电子邮件库…
Simplified distributed block and file storage with strong consistency, like in Ceph (repository mirror)
Dr. TLA+ series - learn an algorithm and protocol, study a specification
A RocksDB compatible KV storage engine with better performance
Redis-backed rate limiting based on generic cell rate algorithm
BCC - Tools for BPF-based Linux IO analysis, networking, monitoring, and more
SODA Strato (Multi-cloud) project provides a cloud vendor agnostic data management for hybrid cloud, intercloud or intracloud. This project is renamed as 'Strato'
Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS
Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform