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The code bin will demonstrate the basic functionality of T-Watch, including all on-board chips from T-Watch, using the lvgl 6.1.1 as the display graphics framework.
- The library already contains all the hardware drivers for
- Using TFT_eSPI as the display driver, you can directly call TFT_eSPI through the construction object.
- Using lvgl 6.1.1 as the display graphics framework, the driver method has been implemented, you only need to call lvgl api according to your own needs.
- For the use of lvgl please refer to lvgl docs
- Download a zipfile from github using the "Download ZIP" button and install it using the IDE ("Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Add .ZIP Library..."
- Clone this git repository into your sketchbook/libraries folder. For more info, see https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries
- In the Arduino board select
TTGO T-Watch
- In the Arduino File -> Examples -> TTGO T-Watch
- If you don't have the
TTGO T-Watch
option in your board manager, please update the esp32 board as follows:- Using Arduino IDE Boards Manager (preferred)
- Using Arduino IDE with the development repository
- Since Twatch uses a special IO as the SD interface, please remove the SD card when downloading the program.