This repository is the official repository of the paper, An Object is Worth 64x64 Pixels: Generating 3D Object via Image Diffusion.
Xinggaung Yan1, Han-Hung Lee1, Ziyu Wan2, Angel X. Chang1,3
1Simon Fraser University, 2City University of Hong Kong, 3Canada-CIFAR AI Chair, Amii
- Source code and data, coming soon!
If you find our work useful for your research, please consider citing the following papers :)
title={An Object is Worth 64x64 Pixels: Generating 3D Object via Image Diffusion},
author={Xingguang Yan and Han-Hung Lee and Ziyu Wan and Angel X. Chang},
This repo is currently maintained by Xingguang (@qheldiv) and is for academic research use only. Discussions and questions are welcome via [email protected].