This project is based off the tutorial React Tutorial with Popup Authentication: Build a React application using popup authentication and React Hooks.
Looking for an abbreviated version of the tutorial? Here is where you can find my crib notes - very much a work-in-progress as I follow along with the tutorial.
This tutorial requires the latest version of React, which is React v16.8.0-alpha.0
. This needs to be installed after create-react-app has been installed.
$ npx create-react-app react-auth0-popup
$ cd react-auth0-popup
$ npm run start
Verify that create-react-app has successfully installed by visiting [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) in your web browser.
$ npm install -S [email protected] [email protected]
To get started with Auth0, please create a free account or sign in with your existing account.
Ready? Let's go:
- Click on the big button in the upper right-hand corner that says
+ New Application
- Give the application a name (such as
) - Click on
Single Page Web App
- Click on
- Give the application a name (such as
- Select
as the technology we are using for the web app
Time to set up an API for our project:
- Visit the Auth0 API Dashboard
- Click on the big button in the upper right-hand corner that says
+ Create API
- Give an example name such as
- Give an example identifier such as
- Give an example name such as
- Click on the
tab and verify that ourname
are what we expect
$ mkdir -p api/data
$ touch api/data/tvShows.json
// Create some sample data
$ touch api/data/movies.json
// Create some sample data
// Create a config file for our API
$ touch api/config.js
// IMPORTANT: Be sure to add `api/config.js` to `.gitignore` so you do not commit your credentials!!
$ touch api/routes.js
$ npm install --save express express-jwt jwks-rsa
// Update api/routes.js
$ mkdir server
$ touch server/server.js
$ npm install --save body-parser cors
// Update server/server.js
// Start the server
$ node server/server.js
// If you see "Listening on port 3005" your server is online and ready to go
$ mkdir -p src/auth
$ touch src/auth/config.js
// IMPORTANT: Be sure to add `src/auth/config.js` to `.gitignore` so you do not commit your credentials!!
We need to update Auth0 with proper settings:
Allowed Callbacks URL
Allowed Web Origins
Allowed Logout URL
- Click on
Save Changes
$ mkdir -p public/close-popup
$ touch public/close-popup/index.html
// Create public/close-popup/index.html
This is where the magic will happen for authentication in our app.
$ npm install --save auth0-js
$ touch src/auth/service.js
// Create the src/auth/service.js
"Notice in the `responseType` we have `id_token` `token`. We are going to be using both the id token and the access token for this project. And in the `scope`, we will have the `openid`, `profile` and `email` coming through.
We are going to be using different variables throughout our functions within our service.js file. Let’s get those set and declared. By setting things like our idToken or idTokenPayload to null, we are going to allow ourselves to give those values when necessary.
At Auth0, we do not recommend saving user information to localStorage but we will save the authFlag to localStorage."
We are going to be using three components for our application. One parent and two children components:
// Modify `src/App.js` as guided
$ mkdir -p src/components
$ touch src/components/TvShows.js
$ touch src/components/Movies.js
$ touch src/components/styles.css
// Modify `src/components/TvShows.js`
// NOTE: We are allowing this information without any authentication
// Modify `src/components/Movies.js`
// Key differences will include storing an accessToken and importing the auth/service file
// Modify `src/components/styles.css`
If you have followed this guide (and/or the original tutorial) you should be able to run your application:
$ npm start:server // Starts the API server on port 3005
$ npm start:client // Starts the React web application available at http://localhost:3000