#####an Ionic/Cordova/AngularJS rebuild.
View it here: https://roadwarrior.firebaseapp.com
Wireframe PDF: https://roadwarrior.herokuapp.com/RoadWarrior.pdf
"Road Warrior" Music Tour Management Tool by Brent Rusinow
Installation: use "git clone" to copy to your computer and then open in your preferred browser.
Technologies used: AngularJS, Ionic, Cordova, Firebase, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, moment.js.
APIs Used: Yelp, Google Places, Google Geolocation, Yahoo Weather.
Room for improvement:
- desktop version (which will mostly be used by tour managers for data entry)
- allowing users to connect to see when friends are playing in the same place
- offline data persistence (Firebase currently only offers this for native iOS or Android development, not their web based solution)