This is Stratum Proxy for Monero-pools (RPCv2) using asynchronous networking written in Python Twisted.
NOTE: This fork is still in development. Some features may be broken. Please report any broken features or issues.
- XMR stratum proxy
- Central Wallet configuration, miners doesn't need wallet as username
- Support mining to exchange
- Support monitoring via email
- Bypass worker_id for detailed statistic and per rig monitoring
- Only one connection to the pool
- Individually Vardiff for workers.
- Automatically failover via proxy, also for non-supported miners (ccminer)
- all configs file config.py
#Example for miners
- ./minerd -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp:// -u 123456 -p 1
- XMR: 466KoUjvbFE2SduDyiZQUb5QviKo6qnbyDGDB46C6UcTDi5XmVtSXuRYJDmgd6mhYPU92xJHsTQyrSjLbsxdzKQc3Z1PZQM
xmr-proxy is built in python. I have been testing it with 2.7.3, but it should work with other versions. The requirements for running the software are below.
- Python 2.7+
- python-twisted
- Pool with support for this proxy
- just copy and start xmr-proxy.py
- I am available via [email protected]
- Original version by Slush0 (original stratum code)
- More Features added by GeneralFault, Wadee Womersley and Moopless
- This software is provides AS-IS without any warranties of any kind. Please use at your own risk.