It's always time consuming to combine all components together and make things work well.
This project template helps you create a whole new project with out-of-the-box features including typescript, webpack, babel settings and so on...
Just clone this repository to your disk, you can start coding from the
without worring anything about config files.
sudo npm install typedoc -g
sudo npm install typescript -g
sudo npm install typings -g
sudo npm install webpack -g
sudo npm install webpack-dev-server -g
Install the dependencies
sudo npm link typescript
npm install
typings install
Run webpack to build the files
Run webpack-dev-server:
tsconfig: target
is set to "es5", so you don't have to convert es6 classes
with babel, this makes browsers comfortable with the compiled files. if you want
to develop node js modules, then setting target to es6 should just fine.
webpack: right now the config separates .ts, .js loaders, so you don't have to
pipe tsc output to babel loader, which is slower. If you really want your tsc
es6 output to be compiled into es5. use webpack.config.es6-to-es5.js
Get fsrename
go get -u -x
Rename files:
fsrename -replace .js -with .ts src/
vim webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
'entry': {
'myproj': ['./entry'],
To whatever you want.
Just start coding from entry.ts
and src/...
without worring anything!
Sample commands:
typings install dt~d3 --save --global
typings install dt~jquery --save --global
typings install dt~mocha --save --global
typedoc --target es6 --out doc typings/index.d.ts src
You can simply change the target
from es6
to es5
in tsconfig.json
remove the babel-loader
from webpack.config.js
"presets": ["es2015", "es2015-native-modules"],
"plugins": [
"transform-es2015-modules-commonjs", {
"strict": false,
"loose": true
For example, you encountered this error message:
Cannot find module 'object-assign'
Simply run:
npm install object-assign --save
typings install object-assign --save
Then re-compile, it should work.
This is because TypeScript can't properly loads node modules with es6 import syntax with non-default export modules. for example:
import assign from "object-assign";
assign({}, ...);
The assign call above will be converted to:
assign.default({}, ...);
However object-assign doesn't export "exports.default", this causes error in the runtime.
With the suggested es6 import statement:
import * as assign from "object-assign";
assign({}, ...);
Occurs error like:
error TS2497: Module ''object-assign'' resolves to a non-module entity and
cannot be imported using this construct.
This is because object-assign
exports the function using module.exports = {function}
module.exports = shouldUseNative() ? Object.assign : function (target, source) {
See also:
Yo-An Lin (c9s)