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Tags: brynary/capistrano



Toggle 2.13.5's commit message
Bump Capistrano::Version to 2.13.4


Toggle 2.13.4's commit message
Bump Capistrano::Version to 2.13.4


Toggle 2.12.0's commit message
This release revserts the very verbose logging introduced in the prev…

…ious version, it also

enables a handful of power-user features which are largely un-documented, but shouldn't be
important unless you are looking for them. Undocumented code shouldn't scare you, simply
read through deploy.rb in the Gem if you want to know how a new feature works!

 * Update mapped commands to remove symlink deprecation warning. Despo Pentara (despo)
 * Add the "rpm" remote dependency. Nick Hoffman (nickhoffman)
 * Add commented deploy:cleanup task to default recipe. Jean-Philippe Doyle (j15e)
 * Teach deploy:web:enable to fail gracefully. Lee Marlow (lmarlow)
 * Ticket 193 alias task show wrong name when it is not overridden. Rafa García (rgo)
 * Allow configuration of which roles assets are precompiled on. Frederick Cheung (fcheung)
 * Fix transfer action to honor dry-run flag. Serg Podtynnyi (shtirlic)
 * Changed single to double quotes for Windows, fixes a Windows bug in the HG module. Matthew J Morrison (mattjmorrison)
 * Add UnsharedRemoteCache (copied from eycap gem). Ben Symonds (bensymonds)

As ever, a sincere thanks to all contributors, and do not hesitate to contact me if this
release causes problems for you.


Toggle 2.11.1's commit message
2.11.1 / Febuary 21 2012

Fixes a small issue with newly capified projects, where the newly generated
capfile uses `require`, rather than `load`. Reported, and patched by Serg Podtynnyi

Also fixes the configuration file to pass their linting tool, thanks
to Serg Podtynnyi.

You should not use 2.11.0 to start a new project, if you do, the Capfile
generated will be incorrect.


Toggle 2.10.0's commit message
* Include sample NGinx config for `deploy:web:disable` (added by Roge…

…r Ertesvåg)

* Fix gemspec time format warning (reported by Tony Arcieri, fixed by building the Gem against Ruby-1.9.3)

* Finally removed deprecated `before_` and `after_` tasks. (Lee Hambley)

* Rake 0.9.x compatibility (reported by James Miller, fixed by Lee Hambley)

* More detailed logging output (fixed by Huang Liang)

* Includes multistage, without `capistrano-ext`. `require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'` (fixed by Lee Hambley)


Toggle v2.10.0.pre's commit message
Update for a small pre-release


Toggle 2.8.0's commit message
Release 2.8.0 / August 3 2011

A short release, after the last. Announcing Rails 3.1 asset pipeline

The asset pipeline support requires an additiona `load` in your

You can see information pertaining to the pull request, including the
comments here: capistrano#35

Documentation will be available soon in the wiki.

* Drop-In Rails 3.1 asset pipeline support. (Chris Griego)


Toggle 2.7.0's commit message
Release 2.7.0

A fairly substantial release. There are fixes so that current_release
during dry-runs, (although, apparently still not with bundler.)

The test-suite was also modified to work with Ruby 1.9.2, except in one
where Ruby 1.9.x calls `to_ary` and `to_a` on mocks, which still makes
error. 1.9.x has always been supported, but due to lack of maintenance
on my
part the tests didn't ever pass.

The `start`, `stop` and `restart` tasks have been reduced to mere hooks
which extensions can define their own functionality.

The `readme` was also slightly improved, simply tweaks to express how
best to
run the test suite.

* Ensure dry-run works with `:current_release` variable (Carol Nichols)
* Added a new variable `:git_submodules_recursive`, setting the value to
* false
will ensure Git doesn't recursively initialize and checkout submodules.
(Konstantin Kudryashov)
* Added an additional task option, `:on_no_matching_servers`, setting
* the
value to `:continue` will ensure tasks with no matched servers continue
without error, instead of raising `Capistrano::NoMatchingServersError`
as was
the previous behaviour. (Chris Griego)

A huge thanks to all contributors, as always!

Remember: @capistranorb on twitter for news.


Toggle 2.6.1.pre's commit message
Tweak version number handling, and update changelog and version numbe…

…r, releasing prerelease as I want the contributors to test theis before it goes mainline


Toggle 2.6.0's commit message
Version 2.6.0

A rather large release, feature-version bump because of the new
multiple-gateways feature as implemented by Ryan Duryea (way to go!)

Please also note from this release that if you use Git submodules, the
Git-version requirement for the new implementation is now >= 1.5.6, from
previously un-documented. (1.5.6 is new-enough that I think this is

* Upgrade Net::SSH-gateway dependency to 1.1 (fixes a thread-deadlocking bug on MRI1.9)
* Respect "dry-run" on transfer methods (Florian Frank)
* Add support for multiple gateways: (Ryan Duryea)
        set :gateway, {
          '' => '',
          [ '', '' ] => ['', '' ]
* Properly support nested Git submodules, moves Gitit requirement to >= 1.5.6 [if you rely upon submodules] (Ken Miller)
* Fetch tags into the remote cache, allows deploying a tag when using Git, with the remote_cache strategy (Florian Frank)
* Various fixes to path handling bugs in the copt strategy. (Philippe Rathé)