- Node JS >=20.0.5
- Power BI Desktop
- python >=3.10(recommended 3.11)
- npm i -g powerbi-visuals-tools@latest
- Open Power BI Desktop
- File>option>Options and Settings>Options
- That means allow using cross filtering and python to call api resonse
- clone this repo :https://github.com/RyugaRyuzaki/fragment-server
- See README.md install package and run server : npm run dev
- Create uploads folder in that repo
- After server run success,use Postman to upload an ifc file
- If server send status 200 => OK
- Then see uploads folder it will have 2 file .gz and frag.gz
- use exam.py to call data in Power BI ( change fileId same your file name)
- In Power BI Home>GetData>Orther
- Copy and past exam.py to the script and run
- Detail watch the video below
- Open Terminal
- Make sure pbiviz to installed in your machine run : pbiviz
- Run : npm install to install all package
- Change fileId same fileId of exam.py
- To generate run : pbiviz package
- It will be automaticly create a folder dist