A surface-based rs-fMRI preprocessing script for extracting resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) matrix from raw BOLD timeseries and T1w image.
- Python 3.6+
- FreeSurfer
- Connectome Workbench
- FSL with MSM (Multimodal Surface Matching)**
- Ciftify
- In python 3 environment with several libraries
- Will be installed via script automatically with several packages
pip install ciftify
- In python 3 environment with several libraries
- run_proc.sh
- Shell-based main script
- ext_rsfc.py
- Python-based code for extracting RSFC matrix from dtseries.nii (BOLD timeseries)
- Gordon_352_parc.dlabel.nii
- Parcellation atlas from Gordon et al., 2016
- Slide for detailed description (link)
- Sample data (link)
Jinwoo Hong / [email protected]