Technical University of Munich
- Munich
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/batu-kaan-%C3%B6zen-309b91141/
Tiago Robot Skill learning and hardcode manipulation based on MOVEIT/MOVEBASE/PCL.
Code for CVPR13 paper - Perceptual Organization and Recognition of Indoor Scenes from RGB-D Images
btknzn / Pedestrian-Detection-and-Tracking-for-Autonomous-Vehicles
Forked from vikasnataraja/Pedestrian-Detection-and-Tracking-for-Autonomous-VehiclesThis project uses Histogram of Oriented Gradients for pedestrian detection and Kalman Filter for tracking and prediction
Human Detection using HOG features and Linear SVM classifier
This code detects pedesterians and vehicle in carla simulation enviroment and save their location as objectparam.txt
btknzn / ros-docker-gui
Forked from turlucode/ros-docker-guiROS Docker Containers with X11 (GUI) support [Linux]
btknzn / getting-started
Forked from docker/getting-startedGetting started with Docker
For more information, please read the project report
Trainning Cmac neural network using it some actions.
Neo robot using reinforcement learning(RL_DT algorithm) algorithm.
Kunena Forum - Forum / Bulletin Board / Discussions component for Joomla - This is the 6.x/5.x main development branch. Please do not open issues regarding earlier versions of Kunena
Tranfer Learning Tranning using google cloud services
btknzn / dagan_torch
Forked from amurthy1/dagan_torchPyTorch Implementation of Data Augmentation GAN (originally proposed in arXiv:1711.04340)
btknzn / DAGAN
Forked from AntreasAntoniou/DAGANDAGAN: Data Augmentation Generative Adversarial Networks