⭐ A place to find the best components to build amazing web applications. The best of JavaScript!
An extremely fast CSS parser, transformer, bundler, and minifier written in Rust.
⭐Github Ranking⭐ Github stars and forks ranking list. Github Top100 stars list of different languages. Automatically update daily. | Github仓库排名,每日自动更新
Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services
Easy Keycloak integration for Angular applications.
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
Coding articles to level up your development skills
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✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
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😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
📚 Freely available programming books
Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
Enlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG
A Computer Vision based Traffic Signal Violation Detection System from video footage using YOLOv3 & Tkinter. (GUI Included)