Computing similarity of two sentences with google's BERT algorithm。利用Bert计算句子相似度。语义相似度计算。文本相似度计算。
NLP 领域常见任务的实现,包括新词发现、以及基于pytorch的词向量、中文文本分类、实体识别、摘要文本生成、句子相似度判断、三元组抽取、预训练模型等。
评论的细粒度分类,6大类20小类。基于 CNN_Gate_Aspect 及 ALBERT 模型,d3.js 可视化预测结果
Rank 26 on the A leaderboard, Rank 16 on the B leaderboard.
Implement of TransE, TransH, KG2E with pytorch
bert-bilstm-crf implemented in pytorch for named entity recognition.
Code for ACL 2021 paper "ChineseBERT: Chinese Pretraining Enhanced by Glyph and Pinyin Information"
Source code for AAAI 2022 paper: Unified Named Entity Recognition as Word-Word Relation Classification
汉字字符特征提取器 (featurizer),提取汉字的特征(发音特征、字形特征)用做深度学习的特征 | A Chinese character feature extractor, which extracts the features of Chinese characters (pronunciation features, glyph features) as features fo…
😸一个快速开发脚手架,快速搭建企业级后台管理系统,并提供多种便捷starter进行功能扩展。主要功能包括前后台用户分离,菜单权限,数据权限,定时任务,访问日志,操作日志,异常日志,统一异常处理,XSS过滤,SQL防注入,国际化 等多种功能
Force directed graph implementation using D3.js
Differentiable Learning of Logical Rules for Knowledge Base Reasoning
Keras-based implementation of Relational Graph Convolutional Networks
code and docs for my EMNLP paper "DeepPath: A Reinforcement Learning Method for Knowledge Graph Reasoning"
A developing recommender system in tensorflow2. Algorithm: UserCF, ItemCF, LFM, SLIM, GMF, MLP, NeuMF, FM, DeepFM, MKR, RippleNet, KGCN and so on.
TTMF: A Triple Trustworthiness Measurement Frame for Knowledge Graphs
A Benchmarking Study of Embedding-based Entity Alignment for Knowledge Graphs, VLDB 2020
A tensorflow implementation of Knowledge Graph Convolutional Networks
Neo4j + vis.js = neovis.js. Graph visualizations in the browser with data from Neo4j.
Knowledge Graph,Question Answering System,基于知识图谱和向量检索的医疗诊断问答系统