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Bugmark Payment Processor

This gem interfaces with payment processors, normalizing payment operations into a standard Bugmark-compatible workflow.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'paypro', github: 'bugmark/paypro '

And then execute:

$ bundle


Valid source types are :striim and :yaml.

processor credentials are stored in a hash:

   striim: {username: "name", password: "pass"}, 
   yaml: {} 

Here are the options for specifying service credentials (in priority order):

  1. as an optional parameter during object creation<svc_type>, <processor_name>, <currency>, [{credentials hash}])

  2. as a yaml file in the current directory ./.paypro_rc.yml

  3. as a yaml file in your home directory ~/.paypro_rc.yml

Paypro Demo

The Paypro class has three instance methods:

  • collect collects funds from the user and deposits them into the pool
  • distribute withdraws funds from the pool and distributes to the user
  • pool_balance shows the pool balance

Sample Code:

require 'bugmark/exchange'
require 'bugmark/paypro'  
paypro =<svc_type>, <paypro_name>, <currency>)
user   = UserCmd::Create(email, name)
ledger = UserCmd::CreateLedger(user, paypro.to_hash)
paypro.pool_balance                        #=> 100
if paypro.collect(1000, user.to_hash, CC_number)
  UserCmd::LedgerDeposit(1000, ledger)
paypro.pool_balance                        #=> 1100
if paypro.distribute(200, user.to_hash, CC_number)
  UserCmd::LedgerWithdraw(200, ledger)
paypro.pool_balance                        #=> 900

Note that each Paypro service implements unique collection and distribution methods. Some may collect via credit-card, some by invoice, some by EFT. Some Paypros may distribute funds via handwritten check, or banking payment services, or blockchain payment.

Each Paypro is resonsible for implementing it's own pool. Some may choose to use a commercial bank account, others may store the pool on the blockchain, others may use a CSV file.

Each Paypro is responsible for collecting and safely storing user credentials, credit card numbers, etc.

Each Paypro is responsible for maintaining compliance with regulatory and tax rules.

Future Direction

This Paypro implementation is MVP.

As you can see, it is the responsibility of the application to keep the pool and user ledgers in sync.

Probably in the future we'll explore design alternatives:

  • signed/registered paypros
  • a library that collects and deposits in one transaction


After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/iconsole for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in paypro.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Payment Processor






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