A JS library for predictable global state management
smart-buffer is a Buffer wrapper that adds automatic read & write offset tracking, string operations, data insertions, and more.
A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces
MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license.
π AngularJS directive for Dropzone, an easy to use drag'n'drop file upload library.
Tutorial: Build a Yelp-clone in React
Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
Node.js JavaScript runtime β¨π’πβ¨
A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them.
Feature-rich ORM for modern Node.js and TypeScript, it supports PostgreSQL (with JSON and JSONB support), MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Snowflake, Oracle DB (v6), DB2 and DB2 for IBM i.
SendGrid transport for Nodemailer
The Official Twilio SendGrid Led, Community Driven Node.js API Library
Highly scalable realtime pub/sub and RPC framework
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
AdonisJS is a TypeScript-first web framework for building web apps and API servers. It comes with support for testing, modern tooling, an ecosystem of official packages, and more.
AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3.
AngularJS User Registration and Login Example
Star Wars web app using Foundation for Apps, created for a tutorial at Smashing Magazine.
π· Super-agent driven library for testing node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API. Maintained for @forwardemail, @ladjs, @spamscanner, @breejs, @cabinjs, and @lassjs.