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e-commerce admin

Follow the steps to get started with your admin setup

Clone the admin app

Admin app allows you to create your own store and manage products for your store!

Clone the repo git clone

Go to the project cd ecommerce-admin/

Install the dependencies npm install

Setup Clerk for authentication Create a new file named .env in the root directory of your project

Go to Clerk Dashboard and create your application On the home page, you can see the environment variables. Copy the environment variables from Clerk homepage and paste it into your .env file

Setup Database Go to PlanetScale and create a new database ecommerce-admin Wait until the database has been initialized Click connect to your database Create a password ( you can leave the form exactly as it is) In Connect with section, select prisma to get your DATABASE_URL

Copy DATABASE_URL in your .env file

Setup Cloudinary Go to Cloudinary and setup your project Go to Dashboard screen, copy Cloud Name and paste it in .env file NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME=""

Setup Stripe Go to Stripe and create a new account ecommerce-admin from top left Copy the secret key and add it to .env file STRIPE_API_KEY=""

Add FRONTEND_STORE_URL="http://localhost:3001" to redirect after checkout from stripe. This should be your front-end store URL Front-end guide : ecommerce-store

Deploy your Admin and Store project to vercel:

  • Admin :
  • Store :

Go to Webhook in developers section in Stripe In the Hosted endpoint, click Add endpoint Enpoint url is the deplyod dashboard url with /api/webhook at the end i.e.

on Select events to send, select checkout.session.completed and click Add endpoint Now click Reveal Signing Secret, copy it and paste it into your .env file STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET=""

You can start the application by running npm run dev