- All-in-one solution for visualising proprietary geospatial data in the browser
- Multiple user accounts on data server
- All data interaction/animation through the web-interface
- Step-by-step guides for shipping related knowledge extraction
- Sample data of vessel movements/characteristics for use in tutorial
ShipViz is a visualisation tool and knowledge extraction manual for global movement data, in particular for AIS data originating from ship-borne transceivers. The visualisation is based on [CartoDB] (https://github.com/CartoDB/cartodb) an open-source tool for storing and visualising such geospatial data.
We require an instance of CartoDB that allows for data storage on a local server rather than ‘the cloud’ (due to data license agreements) and we provide a comprehensive guide and all the installation scripts to do this, see [here] (https://github.com/UCL-ShippingGroup/shipviz/wiki/CartoDBInstallation).
Furthermore, we showcase a number of typical research and policy questions for AIS data with the included data sample and how to [solve] (https://github.com/UCL-ShippingGroup/shipviz/wiki/ShipVizTutorial) these using ShipViz.
Examples (under development, see some code here):
- Vessels travelling to/from certain areas
- Local and global changes in ship supply
- Behavioural patterns
- Minimum sailing distance to point/area of interest
Please refer to the [shipviz wiki] ( https://github.com/UCL-ShippingGroup/shipviz/wiki) for an installation guide and scripts as well as links to the tutorial. For questions and features under development, see the [issue pages] (https://github.com/UCL-ShippingGroup/shipviz/issues).
We're happy to receive contributions to the shipviz repository (installation or tutorial). Please don't hesitate getting in touch via github, open an issue or pull a request.