It provides JNI of jerasure library using DirectByteBuffer to avoid coping bytes between java heap and system memory. The Jerasure project, by James S. Plank, Scott Simmerman, and Catherine D. Schuman. More details can be found at
See technical report CS-08-627 for a description of the code.
The directories are as follows:
- The src directory contains the jerasure code.
- The Examples directory contains the example programs.
- The jni folder contains the native (C++) part of the JNI coupling (added by jvandertil)
- The java directory contains the Java sources for the JNI coupling (added by jvandertil)
- The win32 directory contains a Visual Studio 2012 solution for building on Windows. (added by jvandertil)
- It is assumed that GNU make is being used.
- When using the JNI coupling, be sure to include the JAR file in your java.library.path.
- You can also set the library path using: java -Djava.library.path={path}
- Make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the JDK path