NeuralNetwork Public
NeuralNetwork is developed as subproject of u-db.org (public EEG database/EEG silent speech detection project) which is a prediction application using machine learning alghoritms(forwardpropagation…
getsum Public
Forked from getsumio/getsumTool for validating and calculating checksums
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 3, 2019 -
MavenStructurePlugin Public
Maven plugin to print output of folder, file or maven module structures
wildfly-swarm Public
Forked from thorntail/thorntailSource code for the WildFly Swarm project
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 17, 2018 -
origin Public
Forked from openshift/originEnterprise Kubernetes for Developers
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 23, 2017 -
microprofile-fault-tolerance-hystrix Public
Forked from wildfly-swarm-archive/microprofile-fault-tolerance-hystrixImplementation of Eclipse MicroProfile Fault Tolerance with Hystrix
Java UpdatedNov 22, 2017 -
openshift-jee-sample Public
Forked from openshift/openshift-jee-sampleA sample app to be deployed on openshift environments
HTML UpdatedNov 12, 2017 -
saltstack-netapi-client-java Public
Forked from SUSE/salt-netapi-clientJava client to access the SaltStack net-api
Java MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2015 -
NeuralNetworkOpenCL Public
NeuralNetworkOpenCL is developed as subproject of u-db.org (public EEG database/EEG silent speech detection project) which is a prediction application using machine learning alghoritms(forward/back…