Vue.js Chrome Extension Template Plus (wcer-plus)
Template for quick creation of Chrome extension on Vuejs c hot reloading when developing.
This boilerplate was built as a template for vue-cli and includes options to customize your final scaffolded app.
# install vue-cli
$ npm install -g vue-cli
# create a new project using the template
$ vue init buyili/vue-chrome-extension-template-plus my-project
# install dependencies and go!
$ cd my-project
$ npm install # or yarn
$ npm run dev # or yarn dev
- backend: Background work of your scripts
- content Run in the context of web pages
- devtools - It can add new UI panels and sidebars, interact with the inspected page, get information about network requests, and more.
- options - To allow users to customize the behavior of your extension, you may wish to provide an options page.
- popup - The page (window) that will be displayed when the icon is clicked
- tab - Your application will work in a separate tab
- ext - Shared scripts
- manifest.js - Descriptions of the application, its rights and possibilities