Web Assembler creates complete HTML documents from reusable document fragments, the output of scripts, evaluated JavaScript, rendered text, and other information. It can be loosely thought of as a compiler for HTML and other text-based document formats. It has been mainly used by Wolter Group for assembling documents from template components.
Technically, Web Assembler could be compiled on a variety of platforms, however it relies heavily on Apple's CoreFoundation framework for some core functionality (strings, arrays, etc.) and while, officially, CoreFoundation is portable, in practice this is a pain in the ass. So, for practical purposes, Web Assembler is really only targeted to (and tested on) Mac OS X--until someone gets around to making a reasonably good CoreFoundation port for other platforms.
You can build Web Assembler from source using the included Xcode project. The "Assembler" target will build and install dependency frameworks and build and install the Web Assembler command line tool.
Frameworks will be copied to: /Library/Frameworks
The command line tool will be copied to: $HOME/Applications/bin
You can change these install directories in the Copy Files build phases for the various targets. Note that changing the install location for the dependency frameworks may cause linkage problems if you don't make corresponding changes to the target build configurations.
Most of the work done by Web Assembler is performed by the AssemblerCore framework. If you're so inclined, you can incorporate this framework into another project (as we have with the Coda plugin). This is the primary reason AssemblerCore and Keystone are built as separate frameworks instead of being linked directly into the command line tool.
Read more about the Web Assembler homepage at: http://woltergroup.net/webasm/