🏗 forkable Ethereum dev stack focused on fast product iterations
The easy way to write Telegram bots in Node.js
📖 An approachable introduction to Assembly.
Search UI components for React and Vue
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An updated version of the classic "Basic Computer Games" book, with well-written examples in a variety of common MEMORY SAFE, SCRIPTING programming languages. See…
Replay parse server generating JSON log events from Dota 2 replay files
[Deprecated] Use Cornerstone3D Instead
Read HX711 ADC for Weigh Scales on Rasperry PIs.
MRI Viewer is a high performance web tool for advanced 2-D and 3-D medical visualizations.
PAKE library for generating a strong secret between parties over an insecure channel
EOSIO.CDT (Contract Development Toolkit) is a suite of tools used to build EOSIO contracts