Projects developed as an Undergraduate Student in Computer Engineering, UFSCar (2015-2020)
First Semester, 2015
- /alg-construction - Algorithms Construction and Programming - prof. Ricardo Ciferri
First Semester, 2016
- /digital-circuits - Digital Circuits - prof. Emerson Pedrino
- /data-structures - Data Structures - prof. Roberto Ferrari
Second Semester, 2016
- /data-org-recovery - Data Organization and Recovery - prof. Jander Moreira
- /alg-design-analysis - Algorithms Design and Analysis - prof. Ednaldo Pizzolato
First Semester, 2017
- /arc-2 - Computer Architecture and Organization 2 - prof. Luciano Neris
- /iis - Introduction to Information Systems - prof. Sandra Fabbri
- /comp-mat - Computational Mathematics - prof. Alexandre Levada
- /ppl - Paradigms of Programming Languages - prof. Daniel Lucrédio
First Semester, 2018
- /neural-networks - Introduction to Neural Networks - prof. Ricardo Cerri
- /cyber-security - Cyber Security Engineering - prof. César Marcondes
- /web-dev - Web Development - prof. Daniel Lucrédio
- /os-1 - Operating Systems 1 - prof. Kelen Vivaldini
Second Semester, 2018
- /databases - Databases - prof. Marcela Ribeiro
- /soft-eng-1 - Software Engineering 1 - prof. Auri Vicenzi
- /mic - Microcontrollers and Applications - prof. Edilson Kato
First Semester, 2019
- /tec-com - Technology and Data Communication - prof. Rafael Aroca
- /ai - Artificial Intelligence - prof. Murilo Naldi
- /distributed-systems - Distributed Systems - prof. Fredy Valente
- /compilers-1 - Compilers 1 - prof. Daniel Lucrédio
- /soft-eng-2 - Software Engineering 2 - prof. Valter Camargo
- /databases-lab - Databases Lab - prof. Marilde Santos
- /computer-network - Computer Network - prof. Jó Ueyama (USP)
- /os-2 - Operating Systems 2 - prof. Helio Crestana Guardia
Second Semester, 2019
- /siai - Industrial Automation and Integration Systems - prof. Orides Morandin
- /pmac - Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing - prof. Kelen Vivaldini
- /cg - Computer Graphics - prof. Agma Juci Machado (USP)