is a tutorial for who is studying NLP(Natural Language Processing) using TensorFlow and Pytorch.
This repository heavily refers graykode's nlp-tutorial
- You can implement applications by uploading data from data folder
- You can also download data here
- For BERT_Tensor.ipynb, you have to upload files in BERT-Base, Multilingual Cased to load pretrained model
- 0-1. FFNN - Binary Theme Classification
- Colab - FFNN_Tensor.ipynb, FFNN_Torch.ipynb
- 1-1. Word2Vec(Skip-gram) - Embedding Words and Show Graph
- 1-2. Doc2Vec(Application Level) - Sentence Classification
- 2-1. TextRNN - Predict Next Step
- Paper - Finding Structure in Time(1990)
- Colab - TextRNN_Tensor.ipynb, TextRNN_Torch.ipynb
- 2-2. TextLSTM - Autocomplete
- Colab - TextLSTM_Tensor.ipynb, TextLSTM_Torch.ipynb
- Application(Colab) - SamHangSi_Tensor.ipynb
- 2-3. biLSTM - Binary Sentiment Classification
- Colab - biLSTM_Tensor.ipynb, biLSTM_Torch.ipynb
- 3-1. Seq2Seq - Change Word
- Paper - Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation(2014)
- Colab - Seq2Seq_Tensor.ipynb, Seq2Seq_Torch.ipynb
- Application(Colab) - Conversation_Tensor.ipynb
- 3-2. Seq2Seq with Attention - Translate
- 4-1. TextCNN - Binary Sentiment Classification
- Paper - Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification(2014)
- Colab - TextCNN_Tensor.ipynb, TextCNN_Torch.ipynb
- Application(Colab) - Sentiment_Tensor.ipynb
- 5-1. The Transformer - Translate
- 5-2. BERT - Sentiment Analysis / Classification Next Sentence
- 5-3. OpenAI GPT-2 - Sample model-written texts
- Python 3.5+
- Tensorflow 1.12.0+
- Pytorch 0.4.1+
- Minho Ryu @bzantium
- Author Email : [email protected]