Minimal HTTP server using good old threads and Scanf
for routing.
Free from all forms of ppx
, async monads, etc.
Note: it can be useful to add the jemalloc
opam package for long running
server, as it does a good job at controlling memory usage.
The basic echo server from src/examples/
module S = Tiny_httpd
let () =
let server = S.create () in
(* say hello *)
S.add_path_handler ~meth:`GET server
"/hello/%s@/" (fun name _req -> S.Response.make_ok ("hello " ^name ^"!\n"));
(* echo request *)
S.add_path_handler server
"/echo" (fun req -> S.Response.make_ok (Format.asprintf "echo:@ %a@." S.Request.pp req));
Printf.printf "listening on http://%s:%d\n%!" (S.addr server) (S.port server);
match server with
| Ok () -> ()
| Error e -> raise e
$ dune exec src/examples/echo.exe &
listening on
# the path "hello/name" greets you.
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/hello/quadrarotaphile
hello quadrarotaphile!
# the path "echo" just prints the request.
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/echo --data "howdy y'all"
headers=Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: curl/7.66.0
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 10
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
path="/echo"; body="howdy y'all"}
Similar to python -m http.server
, a simple program http_of_dir
is provided.
It serves files from the current directory.
$ http_of_dir . -p 8080 &
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080
<html list of current dir>
Why not? If you just want a super basic local server (perhaps for exposing data from a local demon, like Cups or Syncthing do), no need for a ton of dependencies or high scalability libraries.
Use cases might include:
- serve content directly from a static blog generator
- provide a web UI to some tool (like CUPS and syncthing do)
- implement a basic monitoring page for a service
- provide a simple json API for a service, on top of http
- use
to serve odoc-generated docs or some assets directory