#Pytoube and Pymotion
Quick and dirty scripts to search and extract videos on:
- youtube:
file by calling
query='Blockchain bitcoin', #for search and filter
user="[email protected]", #declare user a new directory will be created
project="BB", #declare project to store videos in it
filter = True) #filter by query if title or description matches video will be stored
create a log file with article info in it
- dailymotion:
query='Blockchain bitcoin', #for search and filter
user="[email protected]", #declare user a new directory will be created
project="BB", #declare project to store videos in it
filter = True) #filter by query if title matches video will be stored
How must have python2.7 installed Dependencies are listed in requirements.pip to install it run (in a virtualenv preferently)
pip install -r requirements.pip
This is a quick and dirty script so a lot of things can be improved
Query: query accept only a simple expression implement a more complexe version see Whoosh for example
Logs: detailled info are available in dailymotion too but not implements such as
- authorname
- author_url
- date
- Title
- View
Channel or User search option are not implemented