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Tags: c3p0hz/suro



Toggle 0.2.39-platform's commit message
[Gradle Release Plugin] - creating tag: '0.2.39-platform'.


Toggle 0.2.38-platform's commit message
[Gradle Release Plugin] - creating tag: '0.2.38-platform'.


Toggle 0.2.37-platform's commit message
[Gradle Release Plugin] - creating tag: '0.2.37-platform'.


Toggle v0.2.10-rc.4's commit message
Release of 0.2.10-rc.4

- 02a86ae: Merge pull request Netflix#247 from allenxwang/master
- 0480770: Separate handling of batch exception and exception on individual item
- 687b124: Merge pull request Netflix#246 from allenxwang/master
- 95a9d24: JUnit enhancement
- b4db78b: Fix issues that ElasticSearchSink may retry indefinitely on exception
- 12a087f: Merge pull request Netflix#245 from allenxwang/master
- 279ae59: Add if-else to make it easier to read.
- 9dc5453: Fix JUnit for concurrent issue.
- 86aad23: Use synchronous queue when sink does not want to drop message to deal with back pressure.
- caecfd7: fix the deadlock of TestFileBlockingQueue
- 5b95e58: Merge pull request Netflix#241 from Netflix/ISSUE-240
- d2b7d26: IndexInfoBuilder interface extended
- 7c9e0b1: Merge pull request Netflix#239 from Netflix/ISSUE-238
- 04d64e7: delete Rx from metadata fetch waiting policy
- 4f6b660: add counter
- 75bd676: Merge branch 'ISSUE-236'
- c4a71bc: add more counter
- 5d735b2: Merge pull request Netflix#237 from Netflix/ISSUE-236
- ac45241: attempted from processed
- 877cc87: counters are added
- 1c31295: new oss gradle
- ed751a2: Merge pull request Netflix#205 from Netflix/ISSUE-185
- f3038f9: merge conflict
- 5c1b7dc: updated kafka version to
- d7cdf0c: Merge pull request Netflix#204 from Netflix/ISSUE-203
- 28c43bf: test fixed
- 7b2a8d7: PathExistsMessageFilter bug fixed
- 31c2ec9: Merge pull request Netflix#191 from adamschmidt/ExtensionModules
- 56badfe: Merge pull request Netflix#192 from Netflix/FIX_BUILD
- 4c55519: fixed TestAsyncSuroClient.testRestore with small number of messages
- 674a4cc: dependencies changed for fixing build
- e9d1391: Added the ability to load modules from configuration (-x option on command line), removing the compile-time dependency. suro-server project can now specify modules as a runtime dependency.
- c8a55f1: Merge pull request Netflix#183 from rspieldenner/netflixossbuild
- 9883353: Delete unneeded build files
- 39ee1f5: Remove commented out dependencies
- 3d8b67e: Build switched to nebula.netflixoss. Dependencies cleaned up.
- 57eb337: move to gradle 2.2.1
- 121a34a: Merge pull request Netflix#180 from stevenzwu/master
- 11dc185: switch from ConcurrentSkipListSet to CopyOnWriteArraySet
- c6db346: Merge pull request Netflix#178 from Netflix/ISSUE-176
- 2614897: conflict fixed
- 8a3e7c3: Merge pull request Netflix#177 from Netflix/ISSUE-174
- c2108f8: temporarily disabled flaky tests
- 85a2ce0: Merge pull request Netflix#175 from adamschmidt/Log4jFix
- 57b0343: temporarily commented out flaky tests
- 2cfe0d2: test fixed
- a30b2c6: control SuroInput pause with just one time, not accumulative one
- 8a8eaab: ClientException is handled with sleep
- 7e09180: Removed hard dependency on log4j in favour of slf4j to be consistent. Added basic log4j config file and system properties to Gradle runServer task
- 3a0dab2: Merge pull request Netflix#173 from allenxwang/master
- 481c706: changes according to review comments.
- 3b6fb0c: Simplified code with Observable.observeOn().
- efad351: Merge pull request Netflix#171 from Netflix/ISSUE-170
- d039ad7: Merge pull request Netflix#172 from Netflix/ISSUE-126
- d98305e: more error handling
- 65b586c: timer and retry added
- ac75ebd: test fixed
- cd52a98: without jest, ribbon http client is used
- e25a8bd: ElasticSearchSink with Jest
- a1690e3: metadata management manually
- 2bbaca9: Merge pull request Netflix#168 from Netflix/ISSUE-167
- 86b645d: jets3t version upgraded
- e7cd20c: Merge pull request Netflix#166 from Netflix/ISSUE-165
- 037b4d5: test fixed
- 7cb50d9: connected nodes as gauge
- 3c3611d: ElasticSearchSink manual server list refresh with Eureka
- 3c927ae: Merge pull request Netflix#164 from Netflix/ISSUE-163
- bc6ed18: ribbon upgrade to RC9
- aada72d: Merge pull request Netflix#160 from g9yuayon/default-routes
- f69f4eb: Replaced hardcoded Kafka port with free ports
- c824f3b: Enhanced test cases so they pass under different JVMs
- 94c4948: Fixed compilation failure under Java 7
- 20ca76f: Added default routing info to routing map
- 993cd97: Merge pull request Netflix#157 from Netflix/ISSUE-154
- 8e593d1: AsyncSuroClient fixed with event Listener
- 0ad5bdd: test fixed
- 8949677: test fixed
- 4892de0: Kafka with more configuration
- 20148d9: conflit fixed
- f761d07: conflict fixed
- 91363e0: Merge pull request Netflix#158 from Netflix/update-gradle-1.12
- d191a40: Upgrading to Gradle 1.12
- 3de97c0: additional commit
- a4e1aa2: Kafka producer/consumer with 0.8.2-beta
- c0a2a56: Merge pull request Netflix#156 from Netflix/ISSUE-153
- cae2601: Map of LongGauge is added to Servo for indexDelay per topic
- 9d084c9: elasticsearch sink with replication type, its default is async
- 4d2ccee: conflict fixed
- 1e91b6a: fixed conflicts
- f060e92: Merge branch 'ISSUE-102'
- e440007: pause on input side on the long queue
- c5befb3: Merge pull request Netflix#148 from Netflix/ISSUE-141
- e1ae02a: DynamicCounter changed to Servo with BasicCounter
- 80042fd: ElasticSearchSink with DynamicCounter
- 10f14c5: Merge pull request Netflix#143 from BrightTag/master
- 55eeefb: Simplified failure/retry logic
- ab31feb: added comment explaining thread pool issue in KafkaSinkV2
- 0bff0f8: clarified retry/failure logic
- ffc292b: updated sample KafkaSinkV2 config, added 2 new sink stats, fixed pending message count
- 08426f1: Changed counters from ints to longs to prevent overflow
- 58acd8d: added message counters to KafkaSinkV2
- 98678e3: Merge pull request Netflix#138 from Netflix/ISSUE-137
- f447c20: Merge branch 'master' of into ISSUE-137
- bc6f75b: Merge pull request Netflix#136 from Netflix/ISSUE-128
- d5eace6: Merge pull request Netflix#127 from BrightTag/master
- a10caeb: make SuroServer4Test to pick up the random port immediately
- 58ff317: Merge branch 'master' of
- ecea949: Merge branch 'master' into ISSUE-128
- 6c23d04: unit test fixed
- 9ac94e0: s3consumer with cloudtrail
- 06fa6a3: allocate DefaultPartitioner only once
- 846cddc: Use default partitioner and don't store key. Added unit test.
- 90aa3ce: Merge pull request Netflix#134 from iPinYou/ISSUES-131
- 84d14d1: Merge pull request Netflix#135 from iPinYou/ISSUES-132
- f5f0372:  run hadoop's local file system  Netflix#132
- 5c79581: Netflix#131 semicolon will be a better choice.
- fa42389: removed bad assertion test (it depends on timing)
- 000d4b3: Fixed key/partitioning, fixed stats reporting, added unit tests
- c006d87: added KafkaV2 sink using new kafka producer in 0.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- 2eabdd0: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.10-SNAPSHOT'.
- 618503c: Adding mavenLocal() for local resolution
- 6df65bf: Fixing aggregateJavadoc
- b0585da: Passing status to Artifactory builds
- 28c6989: Verify before we can't take it back, use preferredVersion variable
- d0e42e3: Handle unavailable sonatype properties
- 9de5614: Make uploadMavenCentral task, that encompasses other tasks
- 832eb53: Automatically aggregate and publish docs (java,groovy,scala)
- 498c25f: Matching wrapper to 1.5
- 8caf8ec: Upgrading release process
- 63e44e8: Using latest features of release plugin
- 883dd0d: Add sonatype snapshot repository
- c347787: Use newer version of license-gradle-plugin that fixes skipExistingHeaders field
- d87b66e: Move gradle-release dependency to bintray
- 84339e0: Switching to bintray for dependencies (same as Maven Central)
- 6f9e3a0: Upgrading to Gradle 1.4
- f5a10c6: Update codequality/checkstyle.xml
- b7847eb: Fixing transitive-ness of provided
- 36e5b8f: Adding provided scope
- 66ff83f: Using a better github location
- 1cbb4d6: Fixing issue when publishing source/javadoc to maven central
- 05c4d06: Putting javadoc and sources into proper confs and setting types
- 61bd2b0: Add local publishing
- 6d4a854: Filling in more pom fields for Sonatype
- a8674db: Stop relying on maven convention on project
- 2b31d36: Changes needed for release plugin
- 1954d73: Setting default name for multi-project
- f170238: Using custom build of release plugin, to support building from a branch
- ddedbd7: Pointing to a repo in our control
- 8f289b7: Release plugin
- a85e196: Adding cobertura
- c2af08e: Upgrade to Gradle 1.1.
- 0f0c611: Enable license header plugin
- cc1b04c: Merge pull request Netflix#3 from Randgalt/multi-project


Toggle v0.2.10-rc.3's commit message
Release of 0.2.10-rc.3

- 12a087f: Merge pull request Netflix#245 from allenxwang/master
- 279ae59: Add if-else to make it easier to read.
- 9dc5453: Fix JUnit for concurrent issue.
- 86aad23: Use synchronous queue when sink does not want to drop message to deal with back pressure.
- caecfd7: fix the deadlock of TestFileBlockingQueue
- 5b95e58: Merge pull request Netflix#241 from Netflix/ISSUE-240
- d2b7d26: IndexInfoBuilder interface extended
- 7c9e0b1: Merge pull request Netflix#239 from Netflix/ISSUE-238
- 04d64e7: delete Rx from metadata fetch waiting policy
- 4f6b660: add counter
- 75bd676: Merge branch 'ISSUE-236'
- c4a71bc: add more counter
- 5d735b2: Merge pull request Netflix#237 from Netflix/ISSUE-236
- ac45241: attempted from processed
- 877cc87: counters are added
- 1c31295: new oss gradle
- ed751a2: Merge pull request Netflix#205 from Netflix/ISSUE-185
- f3038f9: merge conflict
- 5c1b7dc: updated kafka version to
- d7cdf0c: Merge pull request Netflix#204 from Netflix/ISSUE-203
- 28c43bf: test fixed
- 7b2a8d7: PathExistsMessageFilter bug fixed
- 31c2ec9: Merge pull request Netflix#191 from adamschmidt/ExtensionModules
- 56badfe: Merge pull request Netflix#192 from Netflix/FIX_BUILD
- 4c55519: fixed TestAsyncSuroClient.testRestore with small number of messages
- 674a4cc: dependencies changed for fixing build
- e9d1391: Added the ability to load modules from configuration (-x option on command line), removing the compile-time dependency. suro-server project can now specify modules as a runtime dependency.
- c8a55f1: Merge pull request Netflix#183 from rspieldenner/netflixossbuild
- 9883353: Delete unneeded build files
- 39ee1f5: Remove commented out dependencies
- 3d8b67e: Build switched to nebula.netflixoss. Dependencies cleaned up.
- 57eb337: move to gradle 2.2.1
- 121a34a: Merge pull request Netflix#180 from stevenzwu/master
- 11dc185: switch from ConcurrentSkipListSet to CopyOnWriteArraySet
- c6db346: Merge pull request Netflix#178 from Netflix/ISSUE-176
- 2614897: conflict fixed
- 8a3e7c3: Merge pull request Netflix#177 from Netflix/ISSUE-174
- c2108f8: temporarily disabled flaky tests
- 85a2ce0: Merge pull request Netflix#175 from adamschmidt/Log4jFix
- 57b0343: temporarily commented out flaky tests
- 2cfe0d2: test fixed
- a30b2c6: control SuroInput pause with just one time, not accumulative one
- 8a8eaab: ClientException is handled with sleep
- 7e09180: Removed hard dependency on log4j in favour of slf4j to be consistent. Added basic log4j config file and system properties to Gradle runServer task
- 3a0dab2: Merge pull request Netflix#173 from allenxwang/master
- 481c706: changes according to review comments.
- 3b6fb0c: Simplified code with Observable.observeOn().
- efad351: Merge pull request Netflix#171 from Netflix/ISSUE-170
- d039ad7: Merge pull request Netflix#172 from Netflix/ISSUE-126
- d98305e: more error handling
- 65b586c: timer and retry added
- ac75ebd: test fixed
- cd52a98: without jest, ribbon http client is used
- e25a8bd: ElasticSearchSink with Jest
- a1690e3: metadata management manually
- 2bbaca9: Merge pull request Netflix#168 from Netflix/ISSUE-167
- 86b645d: jets3t version upgraded
- e7cd20c: Merge pull request Netflix#166 from Netflix/ISSUE-165
- 037b4d5: test fixed
- 7cb50d9: connected nodes as gauge
- 3c3611d: ElasticSearchSink manual server list refresh with Eureka
- 3c927ae: Merge pull request Netflix#164 from Netflix/ISSUE-163
- bc6ed18: ribbon upgrade to RC9
- aada72d: Merge pull request Netflix#160 from g9yuayon/default-routes
- f69f4eb: Replaced hardcoded Kafka port with free ports
- c824f3b: Enhanced test cases so they pass under different JVMs
- 94c4948: Fixed compilation failure under Java 7
- 20ca76f: Added default routing info to routing map
- 993cd97: Merge pull request Netflix#157 from Netflix/ISSUE-154
- 8e593d1: AsyncSuroClient fixed with event Listener
- 0ad5bdd: test fixed
- 8949677: test fixed
- 4892de0: Kafka with more configuration
- 20148d9: conflit fixed
- f761d07: conflict fixed
- 91363e0: Merge pull request Netflix#158 from Netflix/update-gradle-1.12
- d191a40: Upgrading to Gradle 1.12
- 3de97c0: additional commit
- a4e1aa2: Kafka producer/consumer with 0.8.2-beta
- c0a2a56: Merge pull request Netflix#156 from Netflix/ISSUE-153
- cae2601: Map of LongGauge is added to Servo for indexDelay per topic
- 9d084c9: elasticsearch sink with replication type, its default is async
- 4d2ccee: conflict fixed
- 1e91b6a: fixed conflicts
- f060e92: Merge branch 'ISSUE-102'
- e440007: pause on input side on the long queue
- c5befb3: Merge pull request Netflix#148 from Netflix/ISSUE-141
- e1ae02a: DynamicCounter changed to Servo with BasicCounter
- 80042fd: ElasticSearchSink with DynamicCounter
- 10f14c5: Merge pull request Netflix#143 from BrightTag/master
- 55eeefb: Simplified failure/retry logic
- ab31feb: added comment explaining thread pool issue in KafkaSinkV2
- 0bff0f8: clarified retry/failure logic
- ffc292b: updated sample KafkaSinkV2 config, added 2 new sink stats, fixed pending message count
- 08426f1: Changed counters from ints to longs to prevent overflow
- 58acd8d: added message counters to KafkaSinkV2
- 98678e3: Merge pull request Netflix#138 from Netflix/ISSUE-137
- f447c20: Merge branch 'master' of into ISSUE-137
- bc6f75b: Merge pull request Netflix#136 from Netflix/ISSUE-128
- d5eace6: Merge pull request Netflix#127 from BrightTag/master
- a10caeb: make SuroServer4Test to pick up the random port immediately
- 58ff317: Merge branch 'master' of
- ecea949: Merge branch 'master' into ISSUE-128
- 6c23d04: unit test fixed
- 9ac94e0: s3consumer with cloudtrail
- 06fa6a3: allocate DefaultPartitioner only once
- 846cddc: Use default partitioner and don't store key. Added unit test.
- 90aa3ce: Merge pull request Netflix#134 from iPinYou/ISSUES-131
- 84d14d1: Merge pull request Netflix#135 from iPinYou/ISSUES-132
- f5f0372:  run hadoop's local file system  Netflix#132
- 5c79581: Netflix#131 semicolon will be a better choice.
- fa42389: removed bad assertion test (it depends on timing)
- 000d4b3: Fixed key/partitioning, fixed stats reporting, added unit tests
- c006d87: added KafkaV2 sink using new kafka producer in 0.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- 2eabdd0: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.10-SNAPSHOT'.
- 618503c: Adding mavenLocal() for local resolution
- 6df65bf: Fixing aggregateJavadoc
- b0585da: Passing status to Artifactory builds
- 28c6989: Verify before we can't take it back, use preferredVersion variable
- d0e42e3: Handle unavailable sonatype properties
- 9de5614: Make uploadMavenCentral task, that encompasses other tasks
- 832eb53: Automatically aggregate and publish docs (java,groovy,scala)
- 498c25f: Matching wrapper to 1.5
- 8caf8ec: Upgrading release process
- 63e44e8: Using latest features of release plugin
- 883dd0d: Add sonatype snapshot repository
- c347787: Use newer version of license-gradle-plugin that fixes skipExistingHeaders field
- d87b66e: Move gradle-release dependency to bintray
- 84339e0: Switching to bintray for dependencies (same as Maven Central)
- 6f9e3a0: Upgrading to Gradle 1.4
- f5a10c6: Update codequality/checkstyle.xml
- b7847eb: Fixing transitive-ness of provided
- 36e5b8f: Adding provided scope
- 66ff83f: Using a better github location
- 1cbb4d6: Fixing issue when publishing source/javadoc to maven central
- 05c4d06: Putting javadoc and sources into proper confs and setting types
- 61bd2b0: Add local publishing
- 6d4a854: Filling in more pom fields for Sonatype
- a8674db: Stop relying on maven convention on project
- 2b31d36: Changes needed for release plugin
- 1954d73: Setting default name for multi-project
- f170238: Using custom build of release plugin, to support building from a branch
- ddedbd7: Pointing to a repo in our control
- 8f289b7: Release plugin
- a85e196: Adding cobertura
- c2af08e: Upgrade to Gradle 1.1.
- 0f0c611: Enable license header plugin
- cc1b04c: Merge pull request Netflix#3 from Randgalt/multi-project


Toggle v0.2.10-rc.2's commit message
Release of 0.2.10-rc.2

- caecfd7: fix the deadlock of TestFileBlockingQueue
- 5b95e58: Merge pull request Netflix#241 from Netflix/ISSUE-240
- d2b7d26: IndexInfoBuilder interface extended
- 7c9e0b1: Merge pull request Netflix#239 from Netflix/ISSUE-238
- 04d64e7: delete Rx from metadata fetch waiting policy
- 4f6b660: add counter
- 75bd676: Merge branch 'ISSUE-236'
- c4a71bc: add more counter
- 5d735b2: Merge pull request Netflix#237 from Netflix/ISSUE-236
- ac45241: attempted from processed
- 877cc87: counters are added
- 1c31295: new oss gradle
- ed751a2: Merge pull request Netflix#205 from Netflix/ISSUE-185
- f3038f9: merge conflict
- 5c1b7dc: updated kafka version to
- d7cdf0c: Merge pull request Netflix#204 from Netflix/ISSUE-203
- 28c43bf: test fixed
- 7b2a8d7: PathExistsMessageFilter bug fixed
- 31c2ec9: Merge pull request Netflix#191 from adamschmidt/ExtensionModules
- 56badfe: Merge pull request Netflix#192 from Netflix/FIX_BUILD
- 4c55519: fixed TestAsyncSuroClient.testRestore with small number of messages
- 674a4cc: dependencies changed for fixing build
- e9d1391: Added the ability to load modules from configuration (-x option on command line), removing the compile-time dependency. suro-server project can now specify modules as a runtime dependency.
- c8a55f1: Merge pull request Netflix#183 from rspieldenner/netflixossbuild
- 9883353: Delete unneeded build files
- 39ee1f5: Remove commented out dependencies
- 3d8b67e: Build switched to nebula.netflixoss. Dependencies cleaned up.
- 57eb337: move to gradle 2.2.1
- 121a34a: Merge pull request Netflix#180 from stevenzwu/master
- 11dc185: switch from ConcurrentSkipListSet to CopyOnWriteArraySet
- c6db346: Merge pull request Netflix#178 from Netflix/ISSUE-176
- 2614897: conflict fixed
- 8a3e7c3: Merge pull request Netflix#177 from Netflix/ISSUE-174
- c2108f8: temporarily disabled flaky tests
- 85a2ce0: Merge pull request Netflix#175 from adamschmidt/Log4jFix
- 57b0343: temporarily commented out flaky tests
- 2cfe0d2: test fixed
- a30b2c6: control SuroInput pause with just one time, not accumulative one
- 8a8eaab: ClientException is handled with sleep
- 7e09180: Removed hard dependency on log4j in favour of slf4j to be consistent. Added basic log4j config file and system properties to Gradle runServer task
- 3a0dab2: Merge pull request Netflix#173 from allenxwang/master
- 481c706: changes according to review comments.
- 3b6fb0c: Simplified code with Observable.observeOn().
- efad351: Merge pull request Netflix#171 from Netflix/ISSUE-170
- d039ad7: Merge pull request Netflix#172 from Netflix/ISSUE-126
- d98305e: more error handling
- 65b586c: timer and retry added
- ac75ebd: test fixed
- cd52a98: without jest, ribbon http client is used
- e25a8bd: ElasticSearchSink with Jest
- a1690e3: metadata management manually
- 2bbaca9: Merge pull request Netflix#168 from Netflix/ISSUE-167
- 86b645d: jets3t version upgraded
- e7cd20c: Merge pull request Netflix#166 from Netflix/ISSUE-165
- 037b4d5: test fixed
- 7cb50d9: connected nodes as gauge
- 3c3611d: ElasticSearchSink manual server list refresh with Eureka
- 3c927ae: Merge pull request Netflix#164 from Netflix/ISSUE-163
- bc6ed18: ribbon upgrade to RC9
- aada72d: Merge pull request Netflix#160 from g9yuayon/default-routes
- f69f4eb: Replaced hardcoded Kafka port with free ports
- c824f3b: Enhanced test cases so they pass under different JVMs
- 94c4948: Fixed compilation failure under Java 7
- 20ca76f: Added default routing info to routing map
- 993cd97: Merge pull request Netflix#157 from Netflix/ISSUE-154
- 8e593d1: AsyncSuroClient fixed with event Listener
- 0ad5bdd: test fixed
- 8949677: test fixed
- 4892de0: Kafka with more configuration
- 20148d9: conflit fixed
- f761d07: conflict fixed
- 91363e0: Merge pull request Netflix#158 from Netflix/update-gradle-1.12
- d191a40: Upgrading to Gradle 1.12
- 3de97c0: additional commit
- a4e1aa2: Kafka producer/consumer with 0.8.2-beta
- c0a2a56: Merge pull request Netflix#156 from Netflix/ISSUE-153
- cae2601: Map of LongGauge is added to Servo for indexDelay per topic
- 9d084c9: elasticsearch sink with replication type, its default is async
- 4d2ccee: conflict fixed
- 1e91b6a: fixed conflicts
- f060e92: Merge branch 'ISSUE-102'
- e440007: pause on input side on the long queue
- c5befb3: Merge pull request Netflix#148 from Netflix/ISSUE-141
- e1ae02a: DynamicCounter changed to Servo with BasicCounter
- 80042fd: ElasticSearchSink with DynamicCounter
- 10f14c5: Merge pull request Netflix#143 from BrightTag/master
- 55eeefb: Simplified failure/retry logic
- ab31feb: added comment explaining thread pool issue in KafkaSinkV2
- 0bff0f8: clarified retry/failure logic
- ffc292b: updated sample KafkaSinkV2 config, added 2 new sink stats, fixed pending message count
- 08426f1: Changed counters from ints to longs to prevent overflow
- 58acd8d: added message counters to KafkaSinkV2
- 98678e3: Merge pull request Netflix#138 from Netflix/ISSUE-137
- f447c20: Merge branch 'master' of into ISSUE-137
- bc6f75b: Merge pull request Netflix#136 from Netflix/ISSUE-128
- d5eace6: Merge pull request Netflix#127 from BrightTag/master
- a10caeb: make SuroServer4Test to pick up the random port immediately
- 58ff317: Merge branch 'master' of
- ecea949: Merge branch 'master' into ISSUE-128
- 6c23d04: unit test fixed
- 9ac94e0: s3consumer with cloudtrail
- 06fa6a3: allocate DefaultPartitioner only once
- 846cddc: Use default partitioner and don't store key. Added unit test.
- 90aa3ce: Merge pull request Netflix#134 from iPinYou/ISSUES-131
- 84d14d1: Merge pull request Netflix#135 from iPinYou/ISSUES-132
- f5f0372:  run hadoop's local file system  Netflix#132
- 5c79581: Netflix#131 semicolon will be a better choice.
- fa42389: removed bad assertion test (it depends on timing)
- 000d4b3: Fixed key/partitioning, fixed stats reporting, added unit tests
- c006d87: added KafkaV2 sink using new kafka producer in 0.8.2-SNAPSHOT
- 2eabdd0: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.10-SNAPSHOT'.
- ebdd20f: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.2.9'.
- e80cc2d: suro-tranquility is removed
- d5ce21b: Merge pull request Netflix#124 from Netflix/ISSUE-117
- 2b8cf9c: FileQueue with sizeLimit configuration
- 3373fe8: Healthcheck should check thrift input
- 04f1af7: Merge pull request Netflix#123 from Netflix/ISSUE-117
- e018d43: we can safely ignore IndexOutOfBoundaryException
- 2ec1326: Merge pull request Netflix#122 from Netflix/ISSUE-117
- 9f7bdd4: file queue size limit
- d48c1d9: Merge pull request Netflix#121 from Netflix/ISSUE-120
- 6a7598b: AsyncSuroClient jobQueue is blocked on offer()
- bde2ead: Merge pull request Netflix#118 from Netflix/ISSUES
- 44aaaf0: DROPPED_COUNT in the TagKey
- 05a5b66: Merge pull request Netflix#119 from Netflix/ISSUE-116
- 6d8b4ef: unit test fixed
- f7d6877: Disable ConnectionOutPool
- bc522e0: ISSUES
- 725356e: Merge branch 'master' of
- d7c374d: ribbon version update
- 9f2a991: Merge pull request Netflix#115 from g9yuayon/fix-localfilesink
- 93d30b4: Removed duplicated metrics. Added default tag for empty routing key
- 15bba4b: ESSink servo client init moved to open method
- ef01b2d: Merge pull request Netflix#113 from g9yuayon/fix-queue4client
- d08f11e: Removed outdated imports
- c08dc54: Automatically create a directory if file queue path does not exist
- 64b7cc9: Merge pull request Netflix#112 from Netflix/ISSUE-111
- cd8babc: create recover() method on ElasticSearchSink
- b266b4e: Merge pull request Netflix#108 from metacret/ISSUE-107
- c0cb93e: update tranquility and es
- 2548034: Merge pull request Netflix#106 from metacret/ISSUE-105
- edc9132: Alias in routingmap
- ee35d94: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
- d002bf2: Merge pull request Netflix#104 from metacret/ISSUE-93
- b6db61b: TranquilitySink for druid realtime indexing
- 0c5b1d0: tranquility sink
- aac3f1a: tranquility sink
- 79861ad: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.9-SNAPSHOT'.
- 0c85128: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.2.8'.
- 4861bda: Merge pull request Netflix#101 from metacret/ISSUE-92
- e92c953: make unit test less flaky
- 5cb91ef: ThreadPoolQueuedSink pending tasks
- 46899b2: Merge branch 'ISSUE-92'
- ff46ff4: elasticsearch version upgrade to 0.90.12
- f8f115f: Merge pull request Netflix#100 from metacret/ISSUE-92
- ab4a99a: ThreadPoolQueuedSink
- 0da8968: Merge pull request Netflix#99 from metacret/ISSUE-92
- 67b4f76: unit test fixed
- 08b3da1: Merge pull request Netflix#98 from metacret/ISSUE-92
- 2a50502: ThriftServer stopTakingTraffic typo
- 01a7842: suro-elasticsearch is added with 0.90.10
- a28ba6e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into ISSUE-92
- 80746b4: suro-elasticsearch
- bd29cef: Merge pull request Netflix#94 from metacret/ISSUE-91
- 11aa9d5: Merge pull request Netflix#96 from Netflix/ISSUE-95
- ab44bb3: upgrade joda-time dependency to 2.3
- 2c8e80e: Create SuroInput
- 1c6c30c: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.8-SNAPSHOT'.
- 099b80e: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.2.7'.
- a130761: Merge pull request Netflix#90 from metacret/ISSUE-82
- 24e279c: RemoteFileSink's pending messages should consider files
- 99e56e9: Merge pull request Netflix#89 from thinker0/hotfix/finally_close_npe
- 0bb76ed: ...
- 668069b: lake connection suroPing fix
- 6303224: suroPing socketClose
- 8cd434d: Merge pull request Netflix#88 from metacret/ISSUE-82
- a298280: unit test fixed
- 3951ae3: DynamicRemotePrefixFormatter
- 8f23789: Merge pull request Netflix#87 from thinker0/hotfix/finally_close_npe
- 46447f8: NPE fix
- 8ac41ba: Netflix#86 finally close
- 48cc39c: Merge pull request Netflix#84 from metacret/ISSUE-82
- 4bbd32e: unit test fixed
- c074e23: implement getNumOfPendingMessages
- b5a5ed0: getNumOfPendingMessages
- 881837d: Merge pull request Netflix#81 from thinker0/feature/cancelPingTask
- 68b2339: no message
- 1960ff7: - PreDestroy : cancel pingTask
- 4628ff9: Merge pull request Netflix#79 from metacret/iSSUE-65
- 2f92c18: TestConnectionPool less flaky
- 89fa845: Message is not Writable
- 5323c04: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.7-SNAPSHOT'.
- 842c189: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.2.6'.
- 6811de0: Merge pull request Netflix#78 from metacret/master
- f1b7b91: suro-s3 testCompile fixed
- 2b9c563: testCompile of suro-localfile fixed
- cda3667: fixed
- 877e4c8: Merge pull request Netflix#77 from Netflix/ISSUE-76
- 6171cb3: Merge pull request Netflix#1 from g9yuayon/move-sinks
- d26b8da: curator-test for KafkaSink test
- cff6270: Added test dependency of suro-clien to suro-localfile
- 6e4e9b8: added missing files
- 6b44c80: Extract suro-localfile and suro-s3 into subprojects
- c384630: Merge pull request Netflix#74 from metacret/ISSUE-72
- e0bfebe: StatusServer entry point changed
- 8ecde54: Merge pull request Netflix#70 from metacret/ISSUE-68
- dedab8b: ConnectionPool population.await with timeout
- 34ab24c: Merge pull request Netflix#69 from Netflix/ISSUE-45
- 2270afc: suro-kafka dependency is moved from suro-client to suro-server
- 9e5a544: suro-kafka dependency unnecessary from suro-server
- 8a2822e: Merge pull request Netflix#67 from metacret/ISSUE-66
- d3f9443: MessageWritable
- d1425fe: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.6-SNAPSHOT'.
- 04c7eb2: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.2.5'.
- 466c353: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.5-SNAPSHOT'.
- ef33f40: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.2.4'.
- b02e502: mistakenly incomplete unit test case is committed
- b5a1ad2: Merge pull request Netflix#64 from metacret/ISSUE-63
- c8020ed: instead of static port numbers, pickPort using ServerSocket(0) is used
- 6c6487e: Merge pull request Netflix#62 from thinker0/master
- 6052a26:
- 6e75888: Merge pull request Netflix#58 from elandau/master
- 6ab04eb: Merge pull request Netflix#59 from metacret/ISSUE-57
- ed24d9d: ThreadPool for Kafka Producer
- 1e307b2: SuroClientModule need not be a private module
- c1e39af: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.4-SNAPSHOT'.
- 14c2df5: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.2.3'.
- 992e84b: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.3-SNAPSHOT'.
- 24e9a71: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.2.2'.
- 5b70464: Merge pull request Netflix#56 from metacret/master
- e0ca869: A few fixes before releasing 0.2.2
- 0f4dfee: Merge pull request Netflix#54 from metacret/ISSUE-53
- 40ebe5c: SuroServerExternalResource and TemporaryFolder
- 04f5487: Merge pull request Netflix#52 from metacret/ISSUE-49
- 0c3cf19: Stop draining the queue in QueuedSink on exception
- f9c0462: Merge pull request Netflix#51 from metacret/ISSUE-37
- c394bb2: Merge branch 'ISSUE-37'
- 55792a4: KafkaSink import optimization
- dd39f98: KafkaServer, ZK ExternalResource are added
- d6d00ac: JUnit Rule TemporaryFolder replaced all temporary folder code
- 940a491: Merge pull request Netflix#50 from metacret/ISSUE-48
- c212b65: Merge branch 'ISSUE-48' into ISSUE-42
- d3273cf: FileQueue4Sink with autocommit
- 2577096: KafkaSink with SuroKeyedMessage
- 194ebfa: libthrift 0.9.1
- c32ccd2: Merge pull request Netflix#47 from metacret/ISSUE-44
- 1a349ef: Update kafka to kafka_2.8.2-0.8.1
- be76c32: Merge pull request Netflix#46 from metacret/ISSUE-43
- a58a817: SinkManager.shutdown() as @PreDestroy
- aafac3d: correct version number in master branch
- 4548202: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
- 3557737: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
- 40290a8: Merge pull request Netflix#41 from elandau/master
- ba9f240: Make SuroClientModule private and only expose ISuroClient
- 45ecc7c: Revert changes to build.gradle
- c70783b: Adding SuroClientModule that can be installed on an main injector and provide all the bindings to create a singleton ISuroClient without having to create an internal injector (such as is done in
- 7a6f533: Merge pull request Netflix#40 from BrightTag/suro-ping
- 78c7ed9: removed log within ping
- 278e2ad: cleaned up more logging
- 7704b1b: removed unnecessary log
- 63ea524: added ping class for checking if suro-server is alive
- 56eee4d: Merge pull request Netflix#39 from adamschmidt/master
- 6e59f17: Fixed distribution of files in /conf
- 9a530d8: Merge pull request Netflix#32 from Netflix/log4jappender
- ae020bf: isRunning set to false repeatedly
- 89cd2f6: Merge pull request Netflix#36 from metacret/master
- 45fdba0: HdfsFileSink
- 0e079a2: Merge pull request Netflix#33 from metacret/master
- bb1f079: Merge pull request Netflix#34 from adamschmidt/master
- 66d71f9: C# Namespace Declaration
- 954b6fa: Movd log4j configuration to its test code, so build can pass.
- 67b02b2: - Compression configuration is changed to int for preventing ConfigurationProcessor error
- 3950312: Refactored test name
- 297d558: Refactored test case to make it wait less
- 8825556: Added test case to reproduce a user-reported potential bug
- 3a69ad1: Fixed appender properties. An log4j's appender can accept only string property
- c230273: Used more robust hashCode() and equals()
- ebcb075: Fixed a method call. Class#toString() should not be used for class name lookup. We should use Class#getName() instead.
- 8246df2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/thrift-0.7.0'
- 8503f15: conflict fixed
- e751e07: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.2-thrift-0.7.1'.
- 6f7b09a: Reverted thrift gen files to libthrift 0.7.0
- d3de60d: pin libthrift 0.7.0
- df42557: merge
- bda056a: Corrected the version
- e1ab0ed: Incremented release number and added branch description
- 666d1df: - Moved routing and sink infrastructure to suro-core - Split sink plugin to ClientSinkPlugin and SuroSinkPlugin - Added dependency of suro-kafka to suro-client
- f1a2fd4: Rolled back grammar definition to match the grammar that is being used.
- 382dfa7: Merge pull request Netflix#31 from metacret/master
- bd10567: merge
- 76d0a4b: - FastPropertyModule is renamed to DynamicPropertyModule for consistent naming
- b9694c7: Merge pull request Netflix#30 from g9yuayon/master
- 7feb700: Added build status to
- af90abf: Merge pull request Netflix#28 from adamschmidt/master
- 8bd4f93: Updated process functions to adhere to thriftlib v0.9.0
- 5fda869: Updated SuroServer and SuroService to adhere to upgrades in thriftlib
- 5f196b8: Updated libthrift version to 0.9.1
- 09a0cf3: Merge pull request Netflix#26 from adamschmidt/master
- 5fdf3b1: Added default config from code to distribution and installation tasks
- c0ca90d: Removed dead "apply from" reference
- 46b8c62: Fixed indentation of previous changes - swapped tabs for spaces
- d4b3a79: Added runServer task and settings to support distZip
- 87a4241: Merge branch 'master' of
- f717484: Added Google Group information
- 4370dee: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.2'.
- 5df888c: Negating unSnapshotVersion task, because scala plugin is resolving classpath too early, while SNAPSHOT is in the version string
- e0fb201: Isolating scala plugin to just suro-kafka
- 66fb520: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.2.1-SNAPSHOT'.
- 36a3554: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.2.0'.
- 9ff7573: Added build instructions
- 0f507ab: antlr dependency
- 5b645ec: minor version upgrade to 0.2.0
- 3c10b82: minor refactoring
- 990d2fd: Updated README
- 51327bc: Minor cleanup regarding code style.
- f61db7a: minor updates on javadoc
- aaec6bc: minor updates on javadoc and code style
- c67a894: Fixed TestSuroControl for JDK7
- 466edcf: conflict fixed and TestSuroServer in integration-test fixed
- a90a206: notify changed to notice
- 8c3d487: minor update on javadoc
- eca7ac4: code cleanup. Changed the lastFileSize to uploadedFileSize, and changed its monitor type to counter
- e957453: Updated javadoc and cleaned up code
- dc53152: minor cleanup
- ec5f533: code simplification
- 7f022a8: Updated javadoc, fixed typos
- 121d8c6: Removed TODO. TODOs should be converted into issues.
- ae285fa: Fixed grammatical error in package, class, and method names
- d27a4d3: Added integration test for xpath filter
- 05b06c4: Fixed the bug of missing formatting value in toString()
- 86030c2: Fixed a test case as we changed regex matching from full to partial
- 137df9a: added message filer's parser definition
- d245c3c: Fixed deprecated imports
- ba3da08: Merge branch 'master' of
- b6c6df2: Renamed test file to match the renamed tested class
- ebf17b7: Revert a refactoring to make the next merge easier.
- 7231f7a: Fix compilation error caused by missing class
- 7c2f3cc: fixed deprecated imports
- 42702fe: - Added filter that supports path matching and arbitrary data format - Added support of JSON format for message filtering
- c89028e: Merge branch 'master' of
- 216991e: a few bugs fixed
- 94ef6cc: Simplified a conditional statement
- d77fd98: Merge pull request Netflix#25 from Netflix/pre_queue_filter
- ed2e0ac: Sync with master
- 7182111: Per sink filter
- 589e850: Renamed classes to use "DynamicProperty" instead of Netflix internal "FastProperty"
- d3a5ed6: Minor updates on JavaDoc
- c571c37: removed unnecessary instance variable
- de429e0: Slight updates on JavaDoc and simplified filtering logic
- 439c59c: Slight updates on JavaDoc and removed unnecessary branch condition
- 515822a: Converted an instance field to local variable.
- 9c82529: Renamed QueueManager to MessageSetProcessorManager to be more specific and accurate
- a3c3af4: Updated javadoc of
- 83bf52b: Checked in missed files due to detached HEAD
- eb6b6e6: Thread-safe MessageSetSerDe. For some reason they were not not checked in in last commit
- 455a14e: Merge pull request Netflix#21 from g9yuayon/master
- ee98e61: Merge pull request Netflix#23 from g9yuayon/dev
- d4b59e4: Renamed MessageQueue to MessageSetProcessor and made MessageSetSerDe thread-safe
- 01ae2a3: Merge branch 'master' of into HEAD
- 780afa3: Merge branch 'master' of
- 6a3aeb3: Updated javadoc and exception message.
- 611e6fe: Cleaned up some code in MessageQueue
- b3aefd9: Updated javadoc
- 28de6de: Added a unit test case for SuroControl
- 8d684d0: Removed redundant code from SuroModule.
- 0f0c49f: Merge pull request Netflix#20 from g9yuayon/master
- 2f57117: Rolled back the code that uses Closeable.close(Socket) and Closeable.close(ServerSocket) so Suro can run under Java 6
- cbb8696: Merge pull request Netflix#18 from Netflix/pre_queue_filter
- 508212e: Merge
- 8f58243: Merge pull request Netflix#19 from g9yuayon/master
- c03d552: Use SuroControl to wait for shutdown command
- 09f9f9c: Added a blocking control service that waits for user's exit command
- b863144: Disabled flaky unit test Fix Filter.doFilter to take a MessageContainer instead of Object Fix KafkaSink Fix RegexFilter to properly use MessageContainer
- c24cda3: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.19-SNAPSHOT'.
- 0846e18: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.18'.
- d2727f2: base64 encoding feature is added to SQSNotify
- e673c4c: Merge branch 'master' of
- e68923b: a few unit tests fixed
- a292867: Implementation for Netflix#17.  Wrap messages in a MessageContainer to make it possible to cache deserialized messages.
- 1b20245: Merge pull request Netflix#16 from g9yuayon/master
- bf612ce: Changed the default worker thread to be the number of cores by default.
- 0ad2d8d: javadoc
- 0223683: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.18-SNAPSHOT'.
- 20053c4: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.17'.
- 491c210: do not cleanup and upload empty files; the first draft of javadoc
- 63fcf2e: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.17-SNAPSHOT'.
- 10429a2: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.16'.
- f313e8d: Merge branch 'master' of
- 3829242: S3FileSink close() bug fixed - it should not close LocalFileSink related components if its batchUpload is true
- e7f96c3: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.16-SNAPSHOT'.
- d894c36: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.15'.
- 8ca480c: Merge branch 'master' of
- 176b7c7: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.15-SNAPSHOT'.
- 2ec3195: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.14'.
- 677cc99: s3filesink changed for uploadAll and Acl grant
- 29935c4: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.14-SNAPSHOT'.
- 84822e2: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.13'.
- 33b81dc: s3 file sink with uploadAll
- 01e0e93: RemotePrefixFormatter is moved to the core
- 23a502d: refactoring tested
- 5eaa767: Merge pull request Netflix#15 from Netflix/guice_modules
- 455e775: Sync to master
- 5c9f9f0: Make Guice <-> Jackson cross injection more generic.
- fa1dd37: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.13-SNAPSHOT'.
- 718e534: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.12'.
- 112472d: remove circular dependency between suro-kafka and suro-server
- bc8ab44: Merge pull request Netflix#14 from Netflix/guice_modules
- 06acba7: Implements Netflix#12 and Netflix#13
- c02175b: suro-kafka
- 3a551af: TestStatusServer fixed StatusServer.shutdown() should call executor.shutdownNow() KafkaSink will send the sequential message id for load balancing
- 6c0c05e: Merge pull request Netflix#1 from Netflix/RxRefactor
- 4f1f39b: Attempt to fix TestStatusServer
- e314eb0: Guice refactoring
- e0e9957: Metadata including app, serde, hostname are removed from Message Message contains only byte[] payload TMessageSet contains app, number of messages Filter's interface is changed with filter with Object type argument
- 1c24b3e: Merge branch 'master' of
- d7d4a02: - RateLimiter is added to async client - Queue name is added to FileBlockingQueue
- 7cd6dae: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.12-SNAPSHOT'.
- 1552d0e: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.11'.
- 1322389: Merge branch 'master' of
- 3d3d962: bug fixed
- 0592ad8: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.11-SNAPSHOT'.
- 7510eb8: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.10'.
- c8e2d2c: Merge branch 'master' of
- 0b96e40: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.10-SNAPSHOT'.
- 96764e8: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.9'.
- 44987dd: kafkasink with unit test
- bd0fc3d: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.9-SNAPSHOT'.
- 7e7b693: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.8'.
- ee61bb3: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.8-SNAPSHOT'.
- 5243245: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.7'.
- da4ea16: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.7-SNAPSHOT'.
- 68a8273: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.6'.
- ede4e86: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.6-SNAPSHOT'.
- 0fa7273: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.5'.
- 8ac6b25: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.5-SNAPSHOT'.
- 8c73f74: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.4'.
- 89a806b: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.4-SNAPSHOT'.
- 6ece1e9: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.3'.
- 3d437ca: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.3-SNAPSHOT'.
- 07999d5: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.2'.
- d4d707d: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.2-SNAPSHOT'.
- ae0bd10: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.1'.
- f9d521a: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit:  '0.1.1-SNAPSHOT'.
- 58d90f7: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit:  '0.1.0'.
- 114797c: kafka
- c8065a6: nfkafka
- 9d14e90: pmd error fixed
- 6522a1c: release the first draft
- 9440ae5: release the first draft
- 3f4f3a0: first release draft
- 7e1b495: file queue implementation from bigqueue implementation
- 6367c13: queue for sink added
- 618503c: Adding mavenLocal() for local resolution
- 5eb89cf: - local file sink bug fixed: rotating empty file - change SuroServer.Builder
- f8bf721: compression library version changed
- ebc6af1: dependency changed
- 102e4dc: message format changed
- 6df65bf: Fixing aggregateJavadoc
- 603f29a: connection pooling endclient when send try is successful
- 17ca71f: Netflix OSS gradle build
- 3f6945f: Netflix OSS gradle build
- 2ff43ae: copyright
- 8149e10: Merge branch 'master' of
- 9d9ae15: 3rd draft, all unit testings done
- e14e530: Create
- 310833a: second draft: client unittesting done
- 01d4e7c: Passing status to Artifactory builds
- b0585da: Passing status to Artifactory builds
- 7af655b: Verify before we can't take it back, use preferredVersion variable
- 28c6989: Verify before we can't take it back, use preferredVersion variable
- 24b7fb1: Handle unavailable sonatype properties
- d0e42e3: Handle unavailable sonatype properties
- 8bbf365: Make uploadMavenCentral task, that encompasses other tasks
- 9de5614: Make uploadMavenCentral task, that encompasses other tasks
- 69b9fdc: Automatically aggregate and publish docs (java,groovy,scala)
- 832eb53: Automatically aggregate and publish docs (java,groovy,scala)
- 9316244: Matching wrapper to 1.5
- 498c25f: Matching wrapper to 1.5
- 59e0ab1: Upgrading release process
- 8caf8ec: Upgrading release process
- 154830e: Using latest features of release plugin
- 63e44e8: Using latest features of release plugin
- ddbc91e: Add sonatype snapshot repository
- 883dd0d: Add sonatype snapshot repository
- e93b2c9: first commit
- c347787: Use newer version of license-gradle-plugin that fixes skipExistingHeaders field
- 28d4c0f: Use newer version of license-gradle-plugin that fixes skipExistingHeaders field
- d87b66e: Move gradle-release dependency to bintray
- 81cafbc: Move gradle-release dependency to bintray
- 84339e0: Switching to bintray for dependencies (same as Maven Central)
- d00e7e7: Switching to bintray for dependencies (same as Maven Central)
- 6f9e3a0: Upgrading to Gradle 1.4
- 06288e3: Upgrading to Gradle 1.4
- f5a10c6: Update codequality/checkstyle.xml
- 62be556: Update codequality/checkstyle.xml
- b7847eb: Fixing transitive-ness of provided
- e8ee225: Fixing transitive-ness of provided
- 36e5b8f: Adding provided scope
- 8a4ae4a: Adding provided scope
- 66ff83f: Using a better github location
- 230dede: Using a better github location
- 1cbb4d6: Fixing issue when publishing source/javadoc to maven central
- f98252e: Fixing issue when publishing source/javadoc to maven central
- 05c4d06: Putting javadoc and sources into proper confs and setting types
- 7adef41: Putting javadoc and sources into proper confs and setting types
- 61bd2b0: Add local publishing
- 8f4c0ce: Add local publishing
- 6d4a854: Filling in more pom fields for Sonatype
- 3846014: Filling in more pom fields for Sonatype
- a8674db: Stop relying on maven convention on project
- a1df681: Stop relying on maven convention on project
- 2b31d36: Changes needed for release plugin
- 0db8488: Changes needed for release plugin
- 1954d73: Setting default name for multi-project
- f46b62f: Setting default name for multi-project
- f170238: Using custom build of release plugin, to support building from a branch
- f9e7ead: Using custom build of release plugin, to support building from a branch
- ddedbd7: Pointing to a repo in our control
- 37e4866: Pointing to a repo in our control
- 8f289b7: Release plugin
- 6a6c371: Release plugin
- a85e196: Adding cobertura
- d3e489d: Adding cobertura
- c2af08e: Upgrade to Gradle 1.1.
- ab2a0da: Upgrade to Gradle 1.1.
- 0f0c611: Enable license header plugin
- 2d49c01: Enable license header plugin
- cc1b04c: Merge pull request Netflix#3 from Randgalt/multi-project
- 08323d8: Merge pull request Netflix#3 from Randgalt/multi-project
- eaa8fc9: Sonatype URL was wrong
- bf5b268: Make one less thing people have to change
- e9cdf18: Merge commit 'bc662051d8c72ea7b20350b1746e1a8f527c9244' into multi-project
- bc66205: Un-indenting HEADER
- 7c28a76: Create branch that contains only build related files
- 1df6e44: Use lifecycle to add signing task
- 66332d8: Fix quotes
- 61b1710: Multimodule builds need a dump signing task
- 3a10a07: Remove local testing file
- 9fa9ec0: Avoid signatures in archives unless doing mavenCentral build
- b5b2f5e: Correct artifacts, moved pom to more visible area
- 52bd53f: Restructure into smaller files
- 697fd66: Initial commit, working with Maven Central


Toggle v0.2.10-rc.1's commit message
new oss gradle


Toggle 0.2.9's commit message
[Gradle Release Plugin] - creating tag: '0.2.9'.


Toggle v0.2.9's commit message
[Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '0.2.9'.


Toggle 0.2.8's commit message
[Gradle Release Plugin] - creating tag: '0.2.8'.