birthday-widget Public
Forked from kommo-crm/birthday-widgetBirthday Widget
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 31, 2025 -
akili Public
Forked from ortexx/akiliJavascript framework
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 11, 2024 -
spreadable Public
Forked from ortexx/spreadableDecentralized network mechanism
bunrest Public
Forked from lau1944/bunrestAn express-like API for bun server
trellis-1 Public
Forked from roots/trellisWordPress LEMP stack with PHP 8.1, Composer, WP-CLI and more
CoffeeSupplyChain Public
Forked from indraneelray/CoffeeSupplyChainA coffee supply chain DAPP on ethereum blockchain that demonstrates a Supply Chain flow between a Seller and Buyer.
chrome-extensions-samples Public
Forked from GoogleChrome/chrome-extensions-samplesChrome Extensions Samples
dcc-1 Public
Forked from runitcr/dccDeploys new Decentralchain nodes
bitaddress.org Public
Forked from pointbiz/bitaddress.orgJavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator
wp-bootstrap-navwalker Public
Forked from wp-bootstrap/wp-bootstrap-navwalkerA custom WordPress nav walker class to fully implement the Twitter Bootstrap 3.0+ navigation style in a custom theme using the WordPress built in menu manager.
l10n_cr Public
Forked from odoocr/l10n_crFacturación Electrónica de Costa Rica para Odoo
cyberpanel-whmcs Public
Forked from jetchirag/cyberpanel-whmcsOfficial Module for CyberPanel to integrate it with WHMCS. Cyberpanel is a web hosting control panel powered by Litespeed with lots of features
documentacion_version_12 Public
Forked from odoocr/documentacion_version_12Instrucciones para instalación de odoo12 con entorno virtual y configuración de localización para CR
DCC Public
Forked from Decentral-America/DCCDecentralChain Node (client) implementation on Scala
example-bot Public
Forked from php-telegram-bot/example-bot[WIP] An A-Z example of a PHP Telegram Bot.
PyWaves Public
Forked from PyWaves/PyWavesObject-oriented library for the Waves blockchain platform
woocommerce-gateway-nimiq Public
Forked from nimiq/woocommerce-gateway-nimiqA plugin for WooCommerce to handle payments with Nimiq (NIM), Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).
Simple-WAVES Public
Forked from pazhukov/Simple-WAVESTelegram Bot with simple wallet for WAVES Platfrom
lemp-cloud-init Public
Forked from thegreatsunra/lemp-cloud-initSpin up a new Linux/Ubuntu, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP server on Digital Ocean
susty Public
Forked from jacklenox/susty🌍 A tiny WordPress theme focused on being as sustainable as possible. https://sustywp.com
ExamenesCompuTEC Public
Forked from gabygarro/ExamenesCompuTECBanco de exámenes de Matemática para Computación del Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Incluye Matemática Discreta, Cálculo para Computación, Álgebra Lineal para Computación, Probabilidades y Es…
1 UpdatedNov 1, 2018 -