Demo Android project using:
Get source code:
git clone git:// && cd FSPAtest
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build project:
android update project -p .
android update project -p submodules/PullToRefresh/library/
android update project -p submodules/ViewPagerIndicator/library/
ant clean debug
Start device and Install:
android list avd | grep -o 'Name: .*' | sed 's/Name: //' | sed -n 1p | xargs emulator -avd &
adb install bin/*-debug.apk
PullToRefresh and ViewPagerIndicator have the same project name 'project'. In Eclipse you can't import projects with the same name. So don't import all libraries at once.
Import PullToRefresh first and right click the library, choose Refactor > Rename..., and then change it to PullToRefreshLibrary (or other name).
You may also import the library of ViewPagerIndicator and rename it as ViewPagerIndicatorLibrary (or other name).
If everything including API targets are set up but errors still exist, try to re-open the projects and libraries or restart Eclipse.